Logos Naki World
[World Without Logos]

The song infamous for having undecipherble lyrics.  Frankly, I think whoever wrote the transcription in the official booklet is guessing just as much as the fans are.

If you have your own transcription of the lyrics, please send it to me!  I'm working on a collection .

Here's the official one, and yes, it gives two possibilities for that one line:

Don't be cool vibration
Tell me fool talk show day and rain
Every stardom the rating
Don't stop horror show inner darken
Jus see ra ra oh

Oh no harbor won't you buy valley show
Take me want to talking revolution
No hava won cheese have lay show
{No have a want cha have late show}
Diviphon de have worry star
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul

Devil beam to the crashing
Adjust blue G
Jus sekira

Oh no harbor won't you buy valley show
Take me want to talking revolution
No hava won cheese have lay show
Diviphon de have worry star
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul

Disclaimer: Hellsing is copyright lots of people who aren't me; the music in particular is by Yasushi Ishii.