[900] Alucard

All Steps: 2330 / Time: 02:00:53 / Undo: 150 / Redo: 4 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 7
Free Line: 2091 / Bucket: 253 / Rect marquee: 1
Pencil: 1937 / Brush: 46 / : 77 / : 1 / : 5 / : 11

メソ [Home Page] 2005/2/3 (Thurs.) 16:11:15

Gallac 2005/2/3 (Thurs.) 18:28:21
very nice *drols* i love it

Dekejis [Home Page] 2005/2/4 (Fri.) 00:09:57
That's absolutely incredible! I love his expression.

Bubbles [Home Page] 2005/2/4 (Fri.) 04:32:00
O.O.....I want his babies....*drools and fangirl spasms*

Kalie 2005/2/4 (Fri.) 06:04:24
So sexy! Very nice work!

zimon66 2005/2/4 (Fri.) 14:23:58
Took a look at the gallery on your site - I really like the picture you did of the "Five different looks of Alucard"

DarkPredator 2005/2/4 (Fri.) 17:34:33
not only the magical 900st post also a great looking pic i like the colors

Els the Armand and Alucard fangirl 2005/2/4 (Fri.) 23:49:35
wow he kinda looks like armand with long hair, but i'm sad my sketch book was stolen at school and i had a good picture of schod and alu-chan well anyways it's really good!!! I love it

rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/5 (Sat.) 01:55:38
wow... this is so cool....

[904] Young Walter

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Kenzie 2005/2/5 (Sat.) 13:58:03
This is my first time posting art on this Oekaki ^^! This is also my first drawing of young Walter. Eh, it has quite a bit of my style in it, but I still think it looks like him.

Re:Young Walter
Els the Armand and Alucard fangirl 2005/2/5 (Sat.) 22:40:28
wow it's good i love it and also MY SKETCH BOOKS BACK!!!its beautiful

Re:Young Walter
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/6 (Sun.) 00:49:18
mmm... wal-ter....:P it's so shaded and yummy.

Re:Young Walter
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/6 (Sun.) 01:01:52
EEEEEEEE, I want to take him home!! <33333

Re:Young Walter
Livi-Wan 2005/2/6 (Sun.) 02:59:03
I just love young Walter... his hair and his wires and his costume and... yeah, he's cool. You draw him really nicely!

Re:Young Walter
T. 2005/2/6 (Sun.) 04:28:46
I love you!

Re:Young Walter
Dai 2005/2/6 (Sun.) 16:58:36

Re:Young Walter
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/7 (Mon.) 09:22:28
Kenziiiiiie! You've gotten EXCELLENT at photoshop coloring *-*

Re:Young Walter
Kenzie 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 04:52:40
Aww! It means a lot comming from you Mall :3. You need to post YOUR Walter! It r0x0rz XD.

Re:Young Walter
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 07:54:44

Re:Young Walter
NellySama [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 09:40:51
Aaiii! is to cute :3. nice job, and way to go!

[907] Careless artist didn't give this a title

All Steps: 1430 / Time: 02:47:48 / Undo: 422 / Redo: 7 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 908 / Line: 79 / Circle: 9 / Bucket: 434
Pencil: 933 / : 63

miho 2005/2/7 (Mon.) 22:48:50
hello! my name is miho. i love hellsing!!

nellysama 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 00:46:49
greetings Miho!

Gallac 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 18:41:58
hello miho. nice entrence =D

アザゼル [Home Page] 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 19:24:45
how cute!!
nice expression

rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 03:35:02
wow. nice one. I love the shading..

miho→海帆 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 02:11:03
thank you!!
to tell the truth, i can't speak english
only a little, and so i using dictionary.. ^^;

Maddie [Home Page] 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 10:25:05 This is very pretty ^_^

christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 06:38:43
Hello Miho! Nice to meet you!

[908] Walter C Dornez

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Livi-Wan 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 01:44:36
Young Walter, doing something very naughty. But seriously, how does that cigarette stay in his mouth all that time? He falls through a ceiling and it's still there. It's one of the Great Unsolved Mysteries of Hellsing.

Re:Walter C Dornez
zimon66 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 16:59:14
"Super Glue" - LOL!!!

Re:Walter C Dornez
Gallac 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 18:42:49
Super sting ;D

Re:Walter C Dornez
Gallac 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 18:43:23
string that is *blushes*

Re:Walter C Dornez
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/8 (Tue.) 23:57:16
Soooooo cute!!! I love it! <33

[909] Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 12:40:58
I drew this in spanish class. *dies* while not paying attention the the dubbed Ice Age movie. mwhaha.

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
Kenzie 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 12:58:30
AIEEE! I'm so glad you finished it today! So pretty ;_;.. It's amazing the things you do with just a pencil. The hair is so shiny and the poof is so poofy xD!

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
NellySama [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 13:09:08
Lucky you. I can't NOT pay attention in spanish class because I sit in the front row. o-o;. and the teacher is like 5 ft away.. Still... that is freaking cool! yay girlycard! -__O i wanna draw like that!

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 13:24:00
Tankuuuu <3<3 ;3
I devated on whether or not I should've shown his eye for more drauma. But I liked how the eye turned out so I diddn't erase.

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 15:05:10
Dude, that's so good! I wish I could draw as good as you. =( (Cause if i could, I wouldn't be looking at this board, LOL.)

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
DarkPredator 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 19:19:37
i dont have spanish(althru i live closer to spain if you're from US, POWER TO HOLLAND) but if you draw such things during spanish, it sure is good inspiration
Abraham van Helsing came originaly of the Netherlands(HOLLAND=THE NETHERLANDS)

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 06:34:34
We will have that hat >___> You already know I LUUUURVE this XD

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 08:31:38
*glomps christeena*

Ever since i read dracula, i really wanna go to holland :D.

Re:Girlycard is in the HIZZOUSE!
Beatrix 2005/2/19 (Sat.) 12:15:17
I love how you drew that hair. One thing is for sure... Alucard never lost that lovely mane of thick hair.

[910] My First Rip

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

NellySama [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 13:07:06
i drew while glanceing at a Rip scan from No Life King. youlike? I really need a tablet and photo//paint shop... Oh well I'm happy with my Mech pencil and MS paint.

Re:My First Rip
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 13:15:27
Awwwwwww!! she looks so happy XD. Rip has the most awesome curl, no? <3

Re:My First Rip
NellySama [Home Page] 2005/2/9 (Wed.) 13:53:22
Her curls is da best! ^___^

Re:My First Rip
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 03:01:08
yeah! nice one. really got her character there.

Re:My First Rip
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 09:13:50
It's awesome!

Re:My First Rip
海帆(miho) 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 02:47:54
It's so cute! ^^vv

[911] eh..?

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

NellySama [Home Page] 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 13:13:58
they wouldn't leave me alone until i drew it! Sorry If i offended anyone in anyway.. but this pic.. adorable!!!

Tonetone 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 13:19:21

Ferociously cute, though. Good job.

NellySama [Home Page] 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 13:23:06
hmm I think I know why... I was reading a Valentines Hellsing fic. (forgot the title) and it was really cute (AxI) and it had nothing to do with Y.Walt and G.Card... but after reading it I was in the happy v-day mood and drew them.. I think i was watching Whose Line when I drew it....^_~

[914] amen!

All Steps: 3492 / Time: 05:31:44 / Undo: 1067 / Redo: 31 / Clear: 3 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 2713 / Line: 395 / Box: 1 / Circle: 3 / Filled Box: 3 / Bucket: 374
Pencil: 2289 / : 820 / : 1 / : 2 / : 3

海帆(miho) 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 20:27:14
i love andersong.
he is so cool !!

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/10 (Thurs.) 21:56:27
oooooh! I love it! the blood effect is great! His eyes are staring into my soul o.o;

jamew85 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 01:27:55
wow! you are great!

christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 06:37:23
This is so great! You're very good at oekaki :)

アザゼル [Home Page] 2005/2/12 (Sat.) 20:40:38 

海帆(miho) 2005/2/16 (Wed.) 15:56:32

[916] A Valentine from a Valentine

All Steps: 540 / Time: 00:25:12 / Undo: 34 / Redo: 3 / Clear: 2 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 488 / Bucket: 48 / Text: 2
Pencil: 270 / Brush: 136 / Air: 6 / : 20 / : 18 / : 25 / : 5 / : 1 / : 2 / : 5

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 09:14:38
hehee. get it? this was a quickie.

Awww. lookit him. Deep down, he just wants lurve. thats all.

Re:A Valentine from a Valentine
christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 12:56:33
So cute. So wrong T___T <3

Re:A Valentine from a Valentine
StormyOktober 2005/2/13 (Sun.) 14:42:18
XD hahha, I want a Valentines for V-day XP
So cute ^_^

Re:A Valentine from a Valentine
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 02:15:00
ok XD

[917] Seras

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

NellySama [Home Page] 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 11:19:08
The scanner and the reszing totally killed it cuz it had shading and stuff but yeah. Huh. Likey?

DarkPredator 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 23:13:20
ttttjust look how long i could say great for this(yes i did use my medicins)

Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/13 (Sun.) 01:20:21
That's sooo cool...

[918] Careless artist didn't give this a title

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

chibi 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 23:09:00
Well, I haven't added anything in a while... So I figured it was time for my monthly oekaki fix.

I drew this a while ago, then colored it in photoshop.

Re:Careless artist didn't give this a title
DarkPredator 2005/2/11 (Fri.) 23:11:52
get them seras(drowl)

Re:Careless artist didn't give this a title
nellysama [Home Page] 2005/2/12 (Sat.) 00:33:37
Aww. Its adorable. Yay Seras!!!

Re:Careless artist didn't give this a title
abc 2005/3/3 (Thurs.) 20:16:07
very nice. it would be great if someone could use this to make a screen saver even if it was basic with her just walking repeated across the screen.

[919] Heinkel Wulf, hurrah

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Livi-Wan 2005/2/12 (Sat.) 01:49:00
Not enough! There isn't enough heinkel fanart!

Re:Heinkel Wulf, hurrah
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/12 (Sat.) 07:00:42
I agree completely! WEEEE!! XD she's so cute!

Re:Heinkel Wulf, hurrah
StormyOktober 2005/2/12 (Sat.) 16:43:35
GAH! No there is not enough!!
Yay for Heinkel, she's my favourite, w00t!
She looks awesome!

Re:Heinkel Wulf, hurrah
DarkPredator 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 01:16:58
power to der Livi-Wan

Re:Heinkel Wulf, hurrah
christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 13:20:42
ISCARIOT GIRRRLS >___< Heinkel rules. You are a rockstar.

Re:Heinkel Wulf, hurrah
abc 2005/2/28 (Mon.) 19:39:12
eeee heinkel!!! doing a crossed guns pose. so great, if it was altered to have yumi and yumiko coming from either side (sort of like a wings effect to illustrate heinkels balancing nature to the pair/person) it would be great, but then maybe less is more... please do more fan art of the underrepresented characters....

[920] Dark Alucard

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

draconigena [Home Page] 2005/2/13 (Sun.) 12:59:54
Well, Alucard...didn't really know what to title it. Again, done in paint, as per usual. Better version up on my deviant account...a bigger one at the very least.

Re:Dark Alucard
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/13 (Sun.) 14:02:36
The hound's teeth are awesome. Great artistoc skills..

Re:Dark Alucard
Nighteyes Gwyllgi Siaw 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 10:56:29
Niiice. *drools* See I'm the hellhound!*grin*

Re:Dark Alucard
draconigena [Home Page] 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 12:33:38
:D funny, should we run away then?

[923] Chibi Maxwell

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

chibi 2005/2/13 (Sun.) 22:44:10
Well, he's finished, but he has no background...

Some suggestions would be nice, 'cause I can't think of anything....

Re:Chibi Maxwell
DarkPredator 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 02:04:03
whattabout the vatican, http://www.natran.ca/Travel/Cruise2001/The%20Vatican.jpg

Re:Chibi Maxwell
StormyOktober [Home Page] 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 07:20:50
Ahhh It's SuperMegalomaniac!Enrico!
Awesome! *huggles* I have that same picture of the Vatican in my room XD, except mine is closer up. so you don't see those crazy crazy wood things in the front XP

[925] Another Valentine pic

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Felina 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 05:03:17
hi, it's my second picture. hope you like it ... and happy Valentine Day !

Re:Another Valentine pic
DarkPredator 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 05:20:58
That sneaky vampire is trying to get integra so far that she drinks his blood. He never changes, doesn't he?
gReAt jOb dRaWiNg it!

Re:Another Valentine pic
Felina 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 05:51:34
Thanks ! That was the idea :)

Re:Another Valentine pic
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/14 (Mon.) 10:20:27
That's sooo aweosme..

Re:Another Valentine pic
Angel_Fish [Home Page] 2005/2/19 (Sat.) 10:59:22
Wow! *blinking* That's really good! Integra's lips look a bit off center, but the angle her head's at makes that difficult. Superb job on facial expression and shading!

Re:Another Valentine pic
Dawnie [Home Page] 2005/2/28 (Mon.) 16:22:16
Really cool work! hmmm...if you have watched the anime, do you remember the last chap who sent her roses? *snickers

[927] Pip valentines

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Livi-Wan 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 00:56:02
Don't much like valentine's day, so here's the compromise- a sort of sad, not very good pic of pip in the rain! Argh, I have a headache....

Re:Pip valentines
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 04:18:06
aww, poor livi-wan.

nice pic. rain can't make him sad, he's smiling. :-)

Re:Pip valentines
Els the Armand and Alucard fangirl 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 07:40:03
i like it oh i love valentines day my boyfriend got me a hellsing dvd im soooo happy

Re:Pip valentines
Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 14:26:42 *squeak*

Fweeeeeeeeeeeee! ^____^ If he showed up at my door like that I'd faint. =D

Re:Pip valentines
DarkPredator [Home Page] 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 20:52:27
wadda I have to say its pipping good
atleast ur scanner works good

[928] alcard and integra

All Steps: 745 / Time: 00:58:17 / Undo: 140 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 2
Free Line: 491 / Line: 82 / Circle: 10 / Bucket: 162
Pencil: 561 / : 22

海帆(miho) 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 16:26:17
Happy Valentine! ^^vv

Re:alcard and integra
DarkPredator 2005/2/15 (Tue.) 20:54:46
miho pOwEr!!

Re:alcard and integra
christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/16 (Wed.) 02:02:39
So cute! Happy Valentine's Day!

Re:alcard and integra
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/16 (Wed.) 03:05:25
are the chocolates blood-filled? XD

Re:alcard and integra
海帆(miho) 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 00:21:34
Yes. the chocolates are blood-filled!
and are received by integra ^^w

Re:alcard and integra
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 00:29:27
She'll be very surprised, then lol! (or freaked out)

Re:alcard and integra
Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 02:19:15
it soo good and cute

Re:alcard and integra
Dekejis [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 10:52:37
This is so cute!!

[931] look...a sleeping angel

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

jamew85 [Home Page] 2005/2/16 (Wed.) 20:48:09
^__^ for some cuteness

Re:look...a sleeping angel
Bubbles [Home Page] 2005/2/16 (Wed.) 22:09:55
AWWWWWWWW!!! Das soo bless! *shnuggles with da ickle angel* Mew... =^.^=

Re:look...a sleeping angel
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 00:27:45
Awww! He's all snuggly!

Re:look...a sleeping angel
Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 02:17:55
izzsoocuuuuteeee sorry i not anderson fan but OH MY GOD i just got my cutness dose of the day

Re:look...a sleeping angel
LadyShiva [Home Page] 2005/2/19 (Sat.) 10:13:46
thatis soooo cute, I must now go into fangirlish spasms XD

[932] Who is...?

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

アザゼル [Home Page] 2005/2/16 (Wed.) 21:24:47
This fur-man is my Anderson's style...!
Love haily Anderson!! ...sorry If you god bad feeling.

Re:Who is...?
jamew85 [Home Page] 2005/2/16 (Wed.) 22:08:22
weeee *hugs him* feels great ^___^ furrrrpurrrr

Re:Who is...?
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 00:25:24
WEEE! :D *pets him*

Re:Who is...?
Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 02:15:32
i like it he's a furry monster *glomps and pets him*

Re:Who is...?
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 07:13:33
he-ey.... this is good. :) 

Re:Who is...?
Black Mantha 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 18:09:19
He looks just like Gauln from Full Metal Panic like this.

[933] enrico

All Steps: 1920 / Time: 02:45:40 / Undo: 378 / Redo: 11 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 1440 / Line: 1 / Circle: 4 / Filled Circle: 3 / Bucket: 472
Pencil: 951 / : 497

海帆(miho) 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 03:28:30
i want to touch his brow vv

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 04:50:59
Crazy Enriiiiiicooooo! <3 Gotta love him

Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 08:04:37
Duude, that's wicked awesome...

jamew85 [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 23:37:33
awwwww ^___^ I can� do anything against it...

DarkPredator 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 00:04:36
christ, not chririst

PoWeR tO mIhO

海帆(miho) 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 00:30:23
Thank you DarkPredator!
Sorry i made a mistake... >o<

Dawnie [Home Page] 2005/2/28 (Mon.) 16:42:06
Those eyes.....hypnotising

[934] 13

All Steps: 302 / Time: 00:12:36 / Undo: 16 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 1 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 292 / Bucket: 6 / Copy: 1 / Move: 2
Pencil: 201 / : 1 / : 70 / : 5 / : 6 / : 4 / : 5

mafer [Home Page] 2005/2/17 (Thurs.) 21:45:46
=0 lol im bored....
can someone draw in my dead oekaki?-_-u

Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 14:46:50

DarkPredator 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 05:57:39
alex is t3h ubervaticanpaladinpaladinpower

abc 2005/3/3 (Thurs.) 20:14:27
alex in an aku (samurai jack) pose. very fun.

[935] WALTER!

All Steps: 1788 / Time: 01:34:31 / Undo: 116 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 6 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 1524 / Line: 4 / Bucket: 254
Pencil: 985 / Brush: 82 / Air: 28 / : 174 / : 38 / : 21 / : 26 / : 167 / : 7

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 04:03:37
My first serious oekaki in a long time. Took forever. Young or old, he will always kick major booty. Gotta love Walter! <3

rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 06:08:26

got a really good look of introspection going on there.

Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 07:30:18
OH MY GOD i love it it's beautiful *glomps Lascaux* Thank you sooo much
also Interview is not all that gory after I saw Sleepy Hollow at age 7 it was a mistake but ohh man i had nightmares for 2 months

Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 08:08:57
That picture rocks!!! I wish he was real, cause I'd be ALL over him!!<3

Kenzie 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 08:38:07
Holy crap Mal o_o! So this is what you were doing at home today. Walterrr *salivates*.

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/18 (Fri.) 09:01:52
If he was real I would chase him around in a locker room and whip him with a tolled up towel. (let your imagination run wild :D)

StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2005/2/19 (Sat.) 01:07:57
Wow, you are simply adorable. That's all I can say because I'm too much swept off my feet. *spents the rest of the day starring at the pic*

christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 12:20:23

Heh...towel whipping.

Dawnie [Home Page] 2005/2/28 (Mon.) 16:41:11
He looks SOOOOO good!

[937] Big Squishy

All Steps: 877 / Time: 00:55:35 / Undo: 15 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 2 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 865 / Bucket: 10
Pencil: 544 / : 54 / : 31 / : 23 / : 213

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/20 (Sun.) 15:22:47
i love captain. the end.

Re:Big Squishy
Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/20 (Sun.) 23:23:24
yea i like the captian too he's just soo quiet and composed he can say volumes with his eyes

Re:Big Squishy
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/21 (Mon.) 02:36:21
<3CAPTAIN!!!<33333 One of my favorite characters!!!

Re:Big Squishy
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/21 (Mon.) 04:40:59
I like quiet boys :D

Re:Big Squishy
chibi 2005/2/21 (Mon.) 23:39:05
::hugs captain::

I like your shading!

Re:Big Squishy
christeenapants [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 12:19:12
I love this. The end! XD *rolls all over oekaki*

Re:Big Squishy
Nighteyes Gwyllgi Siaw 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 19:18:22
Captain rocks. So does this pic. *pets captain* *gets arms ripped off by fangirls* Oops.

Re:Big Squishy
Angel_FIsh [Home Page] 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 02:04:45
Captain!!!!!!! *dances* He looks so cool! Captain is SO spify.

[939] Captain

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

chibi 2005/2/21 (Mon.) 23:44:09
I'm posting Captain Rip together because I need help thinking of a background for both...

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 00:10:51

Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 00:22:50
no i want the coat *steals coat from Lascaux* I love the captain because he's soo quiet and speaks with his eyes

Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 00:42:19
umm help please i have no idea how to post something i drew on paint can someone give directions email me please!!

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 03:46:34
Els, press the "Start" button in the box near the top of the page.

Els the everyone fangirl 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 04:42:24
no working stupid computer

Maelgwyn [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 04:46:27
YAY! captain = goodness.

Angel_FIsh [Home Page] 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 02:03:52
Captain!!!! Wheeeee! I am the only Captain fangirl I know! He's just so cool! *G*

[941] Who is in command?

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Felina 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 08:31:31
This one is for DarkPredator, NellySama, Angel_Fish, Alugirl and Els. Thanks for the encouragement :)

Re:Who is in command?
Omega [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 09:16:23
Awww, so devious. I love AxI...

Re:Who is in command?
Els the everyone fangirl [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 11:29:27
Wow I like it and Thank You very much Felina *bowing* AxI WHOOT and my homepage is really a friends but it's cool cuz she's a newly turned hellsing fan but Thank you very much Felina*continus bows*

Re:Who is in command?
DarkPredator 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 23:59:32
thats a real good drawing

Re:Who is in command?
nellysama [Home Page] 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 00:47:12
XD. great piccy and thanksuuXD

Re:Who is in command?
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 14:12:52
Thanks and you're welcome!! This pic rox!! I love how you draw and your theme. =D

Re:Who is in command?
Angel_FIsh [Home Page] 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 02:02:29
*dies laughing* I love the expression on Integra's face. I always wondered if she had a little control fetish going on. I'm willing to be Alucard does. You're welcome for the feedback, and thanks for the thanks! *G*

[942] Integral

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

draconigena [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 10:00:55
Well, it's Integra, don't we all just love her? Not my best, but still...it's Integra. :shrugs:

Mrs.Jan Valentine 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 10:13:08
ACK!Integral as a man!....*shrinks away in fear*Don't hit me.....o_o

draconigena [Home Page] 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 11:41:31
lol, yea, it does seem that it came out more...man-esque than I originally wanted. o well. don't worry, i won't hit. :)

Nighteyes Gwyllgi Siaw 2005/2/22 (Tue.) 19:23:33
You've cut the back of the head too small. Nice lining, but the skull needs to be bigger.

DarkPredator 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 05:54:20
hehe tahtas good

rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 23:59:11
I like her profile. the way the glasses go over her nose is really good.

her hair is sweeping over to the side over her other shoulder, right? that can also make the head look as if it's been cut in half.

Angel_FIsh [Home Page] 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 02:09:34
Wonderful profile shot! She actually doesn't look that mannish to me, but then again, I first thought she was a woman. The curve of her neck is too feminine to be REALLY masculine. Great job!

[944] Sexy Grandpa

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 09:03:21
Yes, I have a bit of a young Walter fettish. I added the monocle just for kicks. We had standardized testing today and I inked this with a ballpoint pen when i was done. I had allready sketched it at home. MWA! Gotta love that sexy grandpa.

Re:Sexy Grandpa
nellysama [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 00:57:28 woot! thats really good!

Re:...Try this again...
chibi 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 11:44:49


Re:...Try this again...
Amuro 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 17:09:51

Re:...Try this again...
Bubbles [Home Page] 2005/2/23 (Wed.) 20:07:18
I want his babies...^___________^

Re:...Try this again...
Livi-Wan 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 02:42:09


Re:...Try this again...
nellysama [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 08:16:28
><:. I posted in the other one... oh well, always good to post again, right? Really good job!

Re:...Try this again...
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 08:57:50
its showing up? o_o;

Re:...Try this again...
Els the everyone fangirl [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 19:27:59
yay walter!!!!! i love young walter he soo um there is no word for how cool he is i love it

Re:...Try this again...
StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 22:39:35

Re:...Try this again...
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/25 (Fri.) 00:35:58
oh-hoh baybee!

*the shading.. the shading...* wow...

i like it
els friend [Home Page] 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 00:37:08
WOW!!! Walter is sooooo sexy, you are a great artist whoever drew this.

Els friend

Re:...Try this again...
Nighteyes Gwyllgi Siaw 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 14:34:20
I stopped to look at this for like, 20 minutes. *drool* Dammit, if only Young Walter was real! *wails* Then he'd be mine, ohh, yeesssss.....
Erm, sorry about that. The cloth is really well-done.

[947] Luke Oekaki

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Sarah D [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 00:44:02
This makes Sarah sad, The oekaki won't let her save on it so she had to give up the 'lookit how i drew it animation =3' to put it up. ...i lost my best oekaki because of that too. this one i made in the anger and depression of loosing the other luke ._.; which was far better than this. I appologise in advance.

...Fuwah. luke ish teh sexctz and youuuu *point* can't pet the pretty hair xD;

Re:Luke Oekaki
Mrs.Jan Valentine 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 09:23:17
My brother-in-law!^^

Re:Luke Oekaki
zimon66 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 16:14:19
*screams with joy* I don't care if it's a supposed second-rate Luke drawing, just damn happy you're doing Valentine Brother fanart again!!!

[948] Rip Van Winkle

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Livi-Wan 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 02:45:12
In my opinion, the only Rip pairing that works. Rip Van WinklexRIFLE!

Re:Rip Van Winkle
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 02:46:37
Lol, I agree with you!

Re:Rip Van Winkle
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 03:21:40
well... not if you happen to have friends with dirty minds who think bad things about what she does with her rifle when she's not killing things with it..

but I totally agree with you on that one point. R&R indeed.

Re:Rip Van Winkle
Livi-Wan 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 04:49:18
Why do I only realize these things AFTER I post the picture? Argh!

Re:Rip Van Winkle
nellysama [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 08:15:05
aww, Rippy and her Riffle! xD.

Re:Rip Van Winkle
Sarah D [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 08:56:25
xD; don't worry, rip'll stay un intimate with her weapon...we hope. this is adorable

Re:Rip Van Winkle
Lascaux [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 09:00:52
awww! she loves her musket!

Re:Rip Van Winkle
Els the everyone fangirl [Home Page] 2005/2/24 (Thurs.) 19:29:51
it is the only thing that works , besides she'd probably kill her boyfriend or something *hides from angry fangirls and boys* i love it it's so cool

Re:Rip Van Winkle
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/25 (Fri.) 00:10:44
I do, however, love the reflections on her glasses.

Re:Rip Van Winkle
abc 2005/3/3 (Thurs.) 20:11:14
very nice. cutesy. quite clean and so usable for logos/tags etc ... nice.

do one of yomi with a sword. or seras with her hakonnen... although its more likely the hakonnen cannons spirit would be the one trying to hug/glomp her...

[949] My first Hellsing oekaki

All Steps: 956 / Time: 00:54:04 / Undo: 40 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 656 / Bucket: 301 / Text: 1
Pencil: 539 / : 6 / : 109

itaki 2005/2/25 (Fri.) 09:50:38
Heya, guys! ^^ I really like the art on here, and so I wanted to post something. This.. is random and immature. o_O;; But we love the pyscho-preist, anyway... *coughs* I apologize. I was having a hard time deciding whether to make him chibi or real-size.. I sorta made a cross. n.n; And the coloring sucks.. I know. I was hurried because my dad wanted on the comp. --;; Anywho... Comment and crticisms are always accepted. Ja ne!

Re:My first Hellsing oekaki
Alugirl [Home Page] 2005/2/25 (Fri.) 12:09:37
ANDERSON!!!!<3<3 One of my fav characters!!! Nice job!!!

Re:My first Hellsing oekaki
Els the everyone fangirl [Home Page] 2005/2/25 (Fri.) 21:33:25
Welcome Itaki i like your pic it's funny it's good too,

Re:My first Hellsing oekaki
nellysama [Home Page] 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 00:49:26
coolios! I likies ^___^.

Re:My first Hellsing oekaki
rippa [Home Page] 2005/2/26 (Sat.) 00:53:44
I like your style...

keep it, keep it! you have the madness right off! ^_^

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