Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 12:11:06
This is my spiffy pic of Alucard! Can you believe I did it entirely in MSPaint?

vmwpoc 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:25:42
Paint sucks. I praise your effort.

[452] Alucard Plushie

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Feather the Pip Fangirl 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 13:20:19
The Plushie rampage continues! Bwahaha! Comments? ^_^

Re:Alucard Plushie
Staci 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 13:48:55
It's adorable!^_^ Now I want one.

Re:Alucard Plushie
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 13:51:32
See the chaos I cause?

Great job Feather! I don't know which one I like better... Pip or this one!

Re:Alucard Plushie
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 14:05:24

Re:Alucard Plushie
Zahmira 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 15:42:23
Might there be an Integra plushie in the works?

Re:Alucard Plushie
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 18:29:22
Yep, I'm learing how to make dolls. I need a life. I need a boyfriend, who seems less like a brother. I need to go to the mall and run into Adam some more. Yeah, that'll make my Saturday all to Hell <- Note sarcastic aura.

Re:Alucard Plushie
vmwpoc 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:24:44
Break me off a piece of that yo.

[453] Pip Rantings

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Feather the Pip Fangirl 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 14:39:18
Er, yeah. Me, clinging to Pip's hat, like I would be if I'd met the fangirl deadline. Nyeh, oh well. next time. Whee. ^_^

Re:Pip Rantings
Thess, other Pip fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 15:00:29
Hear, hear. It's adorable.

Re:Pip Rantings
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/10 (Sat.) 15:25:32
AWW... Feather this is awesome... You look so happy!
I'd be clinging to his braid...

I'm a fangirl of so many characters I'd have to clone myself.

Re:Pip Rantings
Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 00:27:51
*dances in pointless circles*
I didn't have room to fit my whole rant. O_o It goes on for about a page.

Re:Pip Rantings
vmwpoc 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:24:22
I don't like pip.............

He'd make a great gay man.

*waits for rocks thrown at her*

Eh heh heh heh.

Nice pic.

Re:Pip Rantings
Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:53:24
*proceeds to bombard vmwpoc with rocks*


*cough* I'm done cussing in french now. ^_^'

Re:Pip Rantings
Thess [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 14:04:07
"He'd make a great gay man."

Impossible, according to Hirano he likes big boobs. Besides, all gay men = No fun and unrealistic.

Re:Pip Rantings
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 21:43:52
Gay men are usually fun to sit around and talk to. Gay women on the other hand, tend to get moody when you accidenly say how hot you find their girlfriends. It slipped I SWEAR!

Re:Pip Rantings
Amy the pip fangirl 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 23:15:41
^^; it's kinda true i'm sorry to say.... that's why i never had the hots for my anime club leader, she was way moody (i'm bi by the way). and as for me.... i'd have to say pip's neck ^.~

[454] Not So Secret Admirer

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 03:57:15
This was for an art trade with Sarah D whom wanted some IxM. It's done in ink pen and spray paint... then messed upp with the jpeg format.
My original idea was Integra holding the leash to a collar Maxwell was wearing and saying: "If there's going to be IxM, it's going to be done my way."
Then THIS came into my head. I'll leave the pevious idea to someone who can actully draw.

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:02:33
Also note that Maxwell caused a breeze that shifted Sir Hellsing's tie.... :) So he could cling to her chest. ^_^

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:15:47
kakaka, <<; maxwell *Shakes head slowly* Your abandoning your shop..x3 shaaammee

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
vmwpoc 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:23:27
Oh common... she has bigger boobs that that......

No, but um, I'm glad there are so many IxM fans here....

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 06:35:35
*Sigh* I thought more people would get a kick out of this.

As to her chest size... I didn't do shading on this. I was thinking about one of those moments in Chobits where everything goes all comic-cartoon-ish with heavy outlines.

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
Sir Integra Chan 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 09:05:09
dude im gonna hurt maxwell for touching Integra sama.....did i mention im a hellsing manor secrity..... oh well no need to explain m'self. * finds maxwll and wacks him with newspaper*

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 17:26:37
This is beautifuk! YAY!

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 21:42:24
Leave the wacking of Enrico to me please! Wait, that didn't come out right.

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 14:12:31
Enrico: Repent El Vira!

Re:Not So Secret Admirer
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 01:59:45
Heheheh. Enrico the Integra Fanboy. It could happen =3

[455] Alucard and Alex

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Staci 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:30:24
I lurve this pairing.. This took me 2 days to finish. Comment?

Re:Alucard and Alex
vmwpoc 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:32:03
I love this pairing too...

I love this pairing a bit *too* much....

OH MY GOD IT'S SO COOOOL!!!!!! I LOOOOOVE IT ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Have you done any more of these? Because I would looove to see them ^_^ ^_^

Very well done!

Re:Alucard and Alex
Staci 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:36:19
I have more in my sketchbook, but they'd have to be penned and inked and scanned.(my scanner can't see pencil). I'll put more up when I finish them.(Might be a while-_-;;) I luff your deviantART gallery.^_^

Re:Alucard and Alex
Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:55:47
I have only one comment.


Re:Alucard and Alex
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 06:32:07
AxA! WOOHOO! HOT BISHIE ACTION! *Refuses to calm down and thinks about vmwpoc's pic of Anderson with Alucard's gun in his mouth.*

Re:Alucard and Alex
Sir Integra Chan 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 09:05:56
freaky man but the art is very very nice i like

Re:Alucard and Alex
アザゼル 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 10:56:06

Re:Alucard and Alex
Staci 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 12:20:35
lol, Hai! ^_^

Re:Alucard and Alex
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 14:01:33
I must say, I agree with Feather: 0.o Since meeting you people I have become less and less against AxA

Re:Alucard and Alex
StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 19:57:50
Actually, I don't ship AxA, but this pic is awesome anyway!
Which programs did you use for this?

Re:Alucard and Alex
Staci 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 02:11:55
Just Adobe Photoshop 7.^_^ (Well.. and the scanning program:P)

Re:Alucard and Alex
Zahmira 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 02:16:42
hehe very awesome! Perfect expression on Alucard's face.

although I wouldn't say 'hot bishi action' for this pic. Even if you think Alucard is, Anderson isn't. But any definition of bishi that I've heard ;)

Re:Alucard and Alex
jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 02:23:46
*reciting anderson from a fanfic*
Oh how luvle! Yer twae a so luvle!
*grin* It� great. ^_^More

Re:Alucard and Alex
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 10:55:35
A x A gives me the giggles... and I mean that in the nicest possible way. I love that fanart! Such nice precise lines and good colors and how cute!

Re:Alucard and Alex
zimon66 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 15:06:22
Alucard - "Just looking for my misplaced car keys."

Anderson - *thinking to self* "Didn't know Alucard drives........wait a minute!!!"

Re:Alucard and Alex
Isla 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 19:16:08
Damn hot and very cute! I am a firm shipper of these two! Very well done!

Re:Alucard and Alex
Amy the pip fangirl 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 23:21:21

Re:Alucard and Alex
Ddriana [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 00:05:23
Very nice :) I especially like Alucard's grin. Excuse me, I shall go and try to think up ten good reasons as to why Alucard has yet to attempt this, in order to avoid the plot bunnies.

Re:Alucard and Alex
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 02:02:48
Teehee. I like it =D

Re:Alucard and Alex
Staci 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 16:18:34
Thanks for all the lovely comments..^_^

Re:Alucard and Alex
verathealucadFanGirl 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 05:53:40
oookkkkaaayyyyyyy.....i...well..i...um... it is good art. *giggle* i like alucards naughty little smile. but im still not sure i have warmed up to axa completely .....i mean they HATE each other! but it is kinda fun to pair them anyway. great pic!

Re:Alucard and Alex
Staci 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 08:49:06
Maxwell and Integral hate each other too, and lots of people ship that pairng. And I think Anderson's hate is one-sided.^_^ And they're both so cute together! *squeezes them*

[456] first Axi pic

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 04:33:30
like the title says, this is the first time i've tried to draw AxI =3........i was listening to goo goo dolls "Iris"..

If there was a song writen for this pairing undirectly, that one is it!

I suppose this is for -evereh- body....cause almost everyone i know likes this pairing regardless

Re:first Axi pic
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 06:30:42
Wonderful picture... I love Alucard the best in this... holding her.

Re:first Axi pic
Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 11:22:59
It's a great picture, but I fail to see how "Iris" has much to do with this. "Heaven" is hardly the appropriate word with these characters, is it? :-)

Re:first Axi pic
Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 11:44:53
The lines "I'd give up forever to touch you, cause i know that you feel me somehow, you're the CLOSEST TO HEAVEN THAT I'LL EVER BE" is what turned gears for me.. =3

Re:first Axi pic
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 14:03:07
On the count of three every body: 1...2...3... AWWWWWWW!

Re:first Axi pic
yardena the ceras fangirl 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 14:16:09
ish cool. all tho i've seen the hellsing amv for 'iris'. yes there IS one *nods*

[457] Eskimo Song

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 05:51:00
Hehe. Yeah. Bored with MS Paint. Pip singing the eskimo song, and Seras running away screaming. ^_^ Ah, comic relief.

Re:Eskimo Song
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 06:29:31
I love Seras's expression! Poor Seras but I can't help but laugh.

Re:Eskimo Song
Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 06:41:04
xD TASTES GOOD! MIGHTY GOOD! * up and passes out laughing*

Re:Eskimo Song
vmwpoc 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 07:03:50
O_o 11% of women get sexually harrassed in the army.

I think more men need to be sexually harraseed...

Re:Eskimo Song
Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 11:37:20
I'll sexually harass some men for you!

Re:Eskimo Song
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 14:04:48
I was going to change my last name to high and join the army o that my name tag says: High. Like I'm being labeled.. you get it! Anyway, I was planning on exually harrassing some men!

Re:Eskimo Song
Sir Integra Chan 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 11:23:50
the eskimo song was odd....

Re:Eskimo Song
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 16:15:47
I wonder what that song was in the original? LOL but it's a funny idea, and this is a very cute drawing. Poor Seras. I think Pip meant it well though.

[459] Alucard Plushie

All Steps: 710 / Time: 01:02:29 / Undo: 220 / Redo: 17 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 281 / Line: 3 / Circle: 28 / Bezier: 1 / Bucket: 392 / Lasso: 5
Pencil: 295 / Brush: 17 / Finger: 6

Staci 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 17:12:38
Fear the evil Alucard plushie of DOOM!! Mwahahahahaa!! *silence* ... -.- *squeezes doom plushie*

I had to draw this twice.. The first time I accidently closed the window it was in.. *twitch* This is the first time I drew something <i>with</i> the Oekaki.

Re:Alucard Plushie
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 17:34:45
Better than I can do. The only thing Iput on the oekaki is things I find and wish to share.

Re:Alucard Plushie
StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 19:55:38
Woooah, this is so cute!!! ^_^ *hugs Alucard plushie*
I wish they would make plushies like thad, i'd collectthem all like other people do with these Beany Babies...

Re:Alucard Plushie
vmwpoc 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 03:32:53

Re:Alucard Plushie
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:15:16
Awww... Love the stitches.

[460] SxP

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 18:17:19
Because I had to. ^_^

Special effects curtesy(sp?) of Corel Photo House.

StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 20:00:44
This is so cuuuute!! *swoons* I really love it, especially it's fogginess!

El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 21:18:09
It makes it look like a daydream thingie-Ma-bober <- Yay, Vira language!

vmwpoc 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 03:32:17

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 10:54:13
Aw, sweetness! And such cute colors.

Thess [Home Page] 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 14:26:27
That's so cute *sniffle*

(But Seras' manga uniform is yellow and after Pip's demise red with his blood). Despite that, I love it.

Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:02:17
Yeah, I know the uniform should be yellow, but I like it blue anyway. Looks better blue.

Otherwise, I'm glad you all like it. ^_^

Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:15:43

[461] battle of monster

All Steps: 2621 / Time: 01:11:16 / Undo: 18 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 3 / Max Layer: 2
Free Line: 2549 / Line: 10 / Circle: 3 / Bucket: 73 / Move: 2
Pencil: 2140 / Brush: 296 / Eraser: 107

アザゼル 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 21:50:19
two big monster is look like enjoy..

Re:battle of monster
xtina [Home Page] 2004/7/11 (Sun.) 23:10:46
You are an amazing artist.

Re:battle of monster
Staci 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 02:17:36
O_O It looks like Anderson is going to bite Alucard's neck.. *looks around hopefully* :D This is the best fight scene between these two I have seen anywhere.. Good job!! ^__^

Re:battle of monster
vmwpoc 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 03:31:18
That looks so naughty... *dies* My god I LOOOOOOOVE it.....

O_O those pictures make me happy.

Yes, you are quite amazing. We all enjoy very much you posting here.

Re:battle of monster
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 10:53:24
Oh my, how dark and delicious! Andsuch great use of greys and color. Yes we all very much enjoy your posting!

Re:battle of monster
Sir Integra Chan 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 11:24:25

Re:battle of monster
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 11:51:10
Ooooooh awesome! I love how the moon looks for some reason!

Re:battle of monster
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 18:40:43
This is very good!!! (As always, Azazel, your pictures impress me!)

I have a question: May I use your Integral/Maxwell pic? I would like to add it to my "Makugura" home page! ^^; I will credit you, of course!

Re:battle of monster
Isla 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 19:18:41
Hot stuff going on there! These two sex bombs really really REALLY love their jobs. Very nice!

Re:battle of monster
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 19:26:07
One word popped into mind when I first saw this: Kinky

Re:battle of monster
アザゼル 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 20:01:56
yes. Andersong is bite to neck...(^▽^;
look so naughty? It is a distinct honor!!
my hobby is make a picture. and I like draw Andersong pic!(but sorry.mainly a male)
of course SAD. that pic is give you!

last. gratitude for all commenter!!

Re:battle of monster
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 02:01:14
Whoaaaaaaaaaa. Again, your skill stuns me beyond all reason.

Re:battle of monster
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 18:19:08
Thank you again, Azazel-san!

Here is the website if you wish to see:


Your picture is in fanart!

Re:battle of monster
verathealucadFanGirl 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 05:45:13
hmmmm.... im not sure if they are fighting or getting alll axa-ish........*confused smile* great pic! even if it does confuse me...

Re:battle of monster
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:17:41
Alucard: You're Fun.

I love this so much...Especially how there is a inky bat coming into/out of his stomach and another extending from his hair.

[462] shiny z_z

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 11:54:02
A little quick doodle I just did.

Re:shiny z_z
Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 12:08:20
........*Has gone blind* ..too..shiney! AAAAAAAAAH *falls down stairs, shoots back up* I'M FINE! x_x *Walks into wall*..ow.

Definetly shiney..making it pretty, me luffs the shineys...luffs them i do..

Re:shiny z_z
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 19:26:34
ooooohhhhh, Shiny!

Re:shiny z_z
Amy the pip fangirl 2004/7/12 (Mon.) 23:24:16
this picture reminds me a bit of helena because she ahs a rounder face, i realy like this picture, and awesome shiny effect!

Re:shiny z_z
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 00:41:10
Sarah D is funny! I like this pic though, I like the effect and the way the lines are drawn.

Re:shiny z_z
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 02:03:09
Whoa. Lovely effect, here.

Re:shiny z_z
StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 04:34:24
Wow, it looks awesome! *loves it*
She looks surprised here, just as if Alucard suddenly appeared behind her *loves AxI*

Re:shiny z_z
Sir Integra Chan 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 11:45:51
i luv shiny. * drool trys to take the shiny*

Re:shiny z_z
Vmwpoc 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 14:34:37
Lovely effect ^_^

Re:shiny z_z
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:18:09
^_^ Pretty

[463] priest and dog

All Steps: 646 / Time: 00:13:29 / Undo: 12 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 2 / Max Layer: 2
Free Line: 621 / Bucket: 30
Pencil: 546 / Eraser: 69

アザゼル 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 01:17:52
sorry. this time simple...
what something idea of pic?

Re:priest and dog
Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 03:19:16
awww, poor maxwell kitty, I LOVE THIS STYLE SO MUCH THOUGH! ^^ CUTECUTECUTECUTE*passes out* kawaiiiiiiiiii~

Re:priest and dog
Laruel Nacitav [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 04:22:45
Awwwwww.... Kawaiiiiiiii!
I love everything about this pic. mhm. The Hellhound's eyes look neat.

Re:priest and dog
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 07:45:02
Aw, it's cute! I love all the motion in it.

Re:priest and dog
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 13:29:11
How adorable!

Re:priest and dog
jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 20:58:57
I love every inch of that pic ^_^

Re:priest and dog
Staci 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 01:13:39
*squeezes pic* Ahh! So cute!!^_^

You need an idea for a pic? Me too. (Just kidding) How about anything with Alucard and Anderson. They my favies. I'm being vague, because I don't have many ideas right now..:P I love your art!

Re:priest and dog
Vmwpoc 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 14:34:12
Don't care, don't care, DON'T CARE!!!

Plllllleeeease post anything Hellsing related on the site- I love everything that you do!

Love the maxwell kitty!

Re:priest and dog
アザゼル 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 23:13:16
ah---!thanks.... thankyou so much!!

I have poor idea...(>_<;)
but make an effort to everybody!!

Re:priest and dog
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:19:26
I loved Alucard in this pic.

[464] Heinkel and Yumie

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Caz [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 11:16:24
*blinks and looks around* Hey ya'll! ^_^ *latches onto Erin* Scuse me one minute. *goes into Erin and Integra fangirl babble* XD Alright. Now that I've done that...Erin, I ADORE your comic. And Integra...is just awesome. XD There are no words to describe Integra's uber coolness.

>_> Wait. I'm here for a reason...Ah yeah! The picture! *points to picture* ^_^ My fav shoujo-ai couple ever, Heinkel and Yumie. This is my most recent Hellsing fan art...next to my Young Walter one...>_> But that might make an appearance later.

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 12:02:07
Those two are just so cool, in any form of relationship... and I love this art.

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
Zahmira 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 13:44:07
That is such a cute picture! I love it so much!

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
RayKat 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 14:11:24
This is quite cute, and I really like the hands.

The only thing negative that jumps out at me are Yumie's eyes, which look very red. But my screen might just be reading them funny.

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 20:01:55
Woahh, I just love it! The shading of their clothingis great, and Heinkel looks just so cool!
There's far too few Heinkel fanart! *hugs Heinkel*

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 21:00:00
Jup, you might be right. A really good cuple and a great pic, but what would Yumiko say? (I count her as an own person)

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
Amy the pip fangirl 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 22:05:40
YES, this is my second favorite couple.... i mean they are so awesome and blend so well. but pip and seras always comes first for me because that's the same way me and my boyfriend got together.... but he didn't die ^^; but anyway, i love this picture but heinkel and yumie both look a bit masculine, and you're right raykat, her eyes are red but who really knows what her eye color is in the manga, after all it is only in bleck and white.

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
Vanessa 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 01:41:53
Pip dies?! 0_0

Great picture by the way. You did a good job coloring it. I don't really post anything here. I think I have once before. I just look at the pictures then go. I also read Erin's doujinshi.

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
Caz [Home Page] 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 07:14:47
RayKat - >_< Ja..I noticed that now that I'm trapped at my grandparents using their old Digital computer monitor. ^_^;; And I wasn't really sure about the shade of the eyes...so I just made them red. And shiney. XD

Amy - *sweatdrop* I'm used to drawing guys...>_<;; I must work on the drawing of the chickies. XD So I can draw Heinkel in all of her spiffyness....and Integra too!!! >_> I might just have to go and tone her eyes down a bit now...hmmm maybe some brown to soften up the psycho woman with the cool sword. XD

jamew58 - XD I think Yumiko...would probably die of embarassment if Heinkel ever told her anything about what my pic suggests. *snicker* You've just inspired me to do a parody of my own pic. XD

Vanessa - Yes. >__< Pip...dies. *sob* But he dies...in a cute way. XD

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
Vmwpoc 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 14:33:12
*shields eyes*


Sorry, had to say that.

Very nice pic. Lovely shading.

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 15:46:15
Vmwpoc, it isn't yuri, it's shoujo-ai... I'm getting used to use the right terms...
And I have to say I like shoujo-ai way better than shounen-ai. So YAY SHOUJO-AI! X3 I really don't like shounen-ai much, much less yaoi, eep! x_X;

Amy, the reason I think her eyes wouldn't be red is because she's still a human isn't she? But who knows ^_^;

But anyway, lovely pic Caz, I think I like this pairing. They look adorable, and the coloring is really nice!! Cute pose too! ^0^

Re:Heinkel and Yumie
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:22:19
This has got to be the one Iscariot pairing I can actully think could work.

Lovely pic. XD They kind of look like we're walking in on them in the middle of something... er... yeah... *Shuffles out of the room and closes the door to leave them alone.*

[465] Iris

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Dekejis 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 14:48:21
I've been a lurker here for a bit; I hope no one minds if I jump right into the affray. I was inspired by Sarah D's wonderful pic (I'd never thought of Iris that way.. Very poignant!). I'm also a huge AxI fan, so here's my first official piece of Hellsing fanart. Woo! Pardon the sketchiness; it's still in need of being finished and colored, but I thought I toss this up while topic was still fresh.

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 15:10:36
Squee! i feel lufffeddd! ^_^ *Tackle hug* Sankyou! CUTE pic! i can -never- draw integra right... o-o WHOO!

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 17:34:03
Oh that's very sweet. I love the way you drew Alucard's face. Not sure I can describe what it is about it though.

verathealucadFanGirl 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 05:42:29
WOW! wonderful! i love alucards smile. im a big axi fan as well. *smile*

Vmwpoc 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 14:31:34
Very nice! but it could use some color..

El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 16:40:36
AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! I had a migrane for the first time since the last day of school.

Vanessa 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 02:03:11
This is great! I can't wait to see it finished. I love the AxI pairing!

Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:24:29
I love how you did Alucard's eyes, they're perfect!

[467] silent giant in the dark

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 21:03:29
another hellkitty, or should I say Milleniakitty? I� no Milleniumfan. but those charakters are just to crasy. Next will be a Joleen *g*

Re:silent giant in the dark
Amy the pip fangirl 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 22:20:49
actually... i like millenium a lot, it's the perfect villain, and the major is SO AWESOME! in a war-mongering demented way anyways.... ^^; but these have to be my favorite villains they chill me right to the bone and yet i'm not afriad of them (or disgusted by them). i never really was big on the whole incognito thing after reading the manga and seeing that he made the perfect villain the first time.

Re:silent giant in the dark
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/13 (Tue.) 23:11:25
Well I am afraid of Millennium but that's an ethnic thing LOL. But it's because they are such great and creepy villains. Anyway this is a great Captainkitty, he's very mysterious and silent.

Re:silent giant in the dark
zimon66 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 11:39:28
I don't remember if you did Valentine Brother kitties - all I can remember from your site is Anderson.

How are you going to do Schrodinger since he already partway there as a cat? I say do him as a dog - LOL!!!

Re:silent giant in the dark
Vmwpoc 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 14:31:08
hmmm, As always, you know I love your art, but I have yet to like this guy ... havn't seen him in the manga yet.. O_o

Re:silent giant in the dark
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:26:14
Perfect pose!

[470] Hellhound Alucard

All Steps: 890 / Time: 03:09:04 / Undo: 359 / Redo: 51 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 3
Free Line: 793 / Circle: 13 / Bucket: 73 / Copy: 1 / Rotate: 1 / Move: 9 / Lasso: 2 / Colour wand: 1
Pencil: 667 / Brush: 14 / Airbrush: 1 / Eraser: 46 / Burn: 76 / Tone 3/4: 2

Staci 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 16:09:01
This took a lot longer than I thought.. ^_^; I like the animation. Comments please?

Re:Hellhound Alucard
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 16:48:39
I can't see the animation, but it's a great idea and very cute!

Re:Hellhound Alucard
Amy the pip fangirl 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 23:35:51
i can't see the animation either.... unless of course you meant the other animation of alucard and andersong fighting ^_^

Re:Hellhound Alucard
Staci 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 01:16:49
I meant this one.. And that's weird because I can see it.:( Anyway, thanks for the comments.:)

Re:Hellhound Alucard
Vanessa 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 02:04:50
I was able to see the animation. Your Alucard doggy looks great. You did a nice job coloring it.

Re:Hellhound Alucard
vmwpoc 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 07:14:12
^_^ great job!

Re:Hellhound Alucard
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 09:26:07
that's really cute.

Re:Hellhound Alucard
Staci 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 10:06:00
I just realized that I forgot the shoulder thingies... o.o

Re:Hellhound Alucard
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:58:12
AWWW *Cuddles*

Re:Hellhound Alucard
Torahiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:59:23
This is so adorable!! ^____^ *pat pat pat* *gives Alucard a personally blood-soaked doggy treat* ^.^


[472] joleen the death of hellkittys

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 17:59:11
I have better pics of Joleenkitty, but this was the latest. Finished some minutes ago.
I live in germany and here the people go crazy if you start to be even a bit patriotistic or if you read something with nazis in it
Wenn will they ever heal theyr trauma and accept what happened and that not everybody who draws millenia is a nazi, DAMNIT!

Re:joleen the death of hellkittys
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 20:01:36
I don't know; my friends draw and cosplay Millenium and needless to say I don't think they are Nazis. Being Jewish I'd draw the line at wearing a schwastika myself... but I might draw Millenium, if I felt like it... but I wouldn't want people in Germany to totally forget either. Not that you're saying that either. Um, anyway... the pic! I'ts very good. Very Joleen and I love the expression.

Re:joleen the death of hellkittys
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/14 (Wed.) 20:05:11
Sorry if I said anything stupid there *wishes for an edit button* It just made me think, but I should have just thought about the art, sorry.

Re:joleen the death of hellkittys
vmwpoc 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 07:11:39
Cool! ^_^ YOu know I love your stuff..

Re:joleen the death of hellkittys
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 09:23:03
Your hellkittys are my latest favourite thing on deviantart. I like how you outlined her in blue. It looks neat.

[473] A and M

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

アザゼル 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 00:47:38
on the spot rough pic...(--;)

try to another character...

Re:A and M
Staci 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 01:13:59
I love it!!^_^ Especially Anderson's hair.

Re:A and M
Vanessa 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 02:06:09
This is absolutly amazing. You have great talent! I like how it is all in black, white, and grey. Enrico looks a little frightened.

Re:A and M
vmwpoc 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 07:10:55
Love Andersong! He looks much like himself.

Mawell, however, doesn't look much like himself.. ^_^ cool anyway....

*thinks dirty thoughts*

Sorry, if I pic is even the LEAST bit looking for a potentail hookup, my mind is wandering.

I hope you don't find that disrespectful- super cool job though!

Re:A and M
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 09:21:37
Maxwell's face does look a tad....odd. but it is still amazing. Your coloring style is amazing.

Re:A and M
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 13:57:08
Even I got pairing thoughts from this pic... in a good way ^^ It's a wonderful pic and again I love the use of gray and black. I'm wondering if Maxwell is supposed to be a little younger here?

Re:A and M
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 17:10:52

Re:A and M
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 09:00:49
I love the feel of these two in this pic. Maxwell seems to have this kind of girlish "Please comfort me" look. I wuv it.

Re:A and M
Torahiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:57:35
"Oh Alex, Yumiko and Heinkel just tried putting curlers in my hair again!! Aren't they so terrible??" *giggles* Actually, Maxwell looks like he isn't too keen for whatever Anderson has in mind for him =^.~= *purrs!* "Enrico, stop yeh stallin' en git on yer knees alredeh!" ^_____^ *innocent look*


[474] scar

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

アザゼル 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 01:25:04
touch your faces scar...
what happen? Andersong??
(sorry I'm dreamer)

Staci 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 01:28:11
Amazing! I love it. But who's touching his face? Is it Maxwell? *looks at other pic* ^_^

Vanessa 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 02:08:24
Yet another great drawing. I have also been to your site.

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 03:12:51
I remember when i was an andersong fangirl...i used to scribble the scar on my face..o_o..cause it was spiffy, but painful.....i do want to know where he got that....^_^ he looks so smart in this picture, i luff it!

vmwpoc 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 07:05:31
I heard the rumor is that the creator of hellsing made a comic with Andersong and they didn' publish it so he put Andersong in hellsing for revenge.

Sweetass pic.

Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 09:19:04
that's beautiful. It's the scruffy smirk...gets me every time. You are tres talented as I'm sure you've heard countless times before.

Arctica 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 10:45:50
I think he got that scar from cutting himself on accident trying to use his pie servers for the first time, LOL. Nice work on Andersong, very sweet.

dasAoD [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 12:47:49
Been a fan of your art, for quite a while now, so I thought it's about time to leave you a comment.

I'm somewhat jealous of how you are able to produce such amazing works, with very simple coloring and these solid, non-anti-aliased lines.
Oekaki just isn't really my medium, I guess.

Andersong is a great character ( probably my second favorite character in Hellsing) and there is very few artists, capable of portraying him as well as you do. Aside from Mr.Hirano himself, that is ^.-

I hope you are able to get some sense out of this...I'm tired ^^'

Anyway, Thanks for sharing your art,
keep it up!

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 13:53:58
vmwpoc: I've heard that too... wasn't that Angel Dust?

Of the art: That's truly beautiful. Helps me see why you love Andersong so much, makes me more of a fan ^^ And I'm working on a silly little pic for you, will try to post before the weekend.

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 20:56:14
You draw him always so cute... as an andersonfangirl, I also asked myself several times what happened, why he had this scar and why he can� regenerate it. I love the lack of colour. It makes the green eyes more shini (Oh I luv those eyes!)

P.S.: Yup. It was Angel Dust.

アザゼル 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 23:02:36
yes. it's Angel Dust.
that andersong is very young then Angel Dust!!

thankyou comments with deep emotion...
I've more more make an effort my pic!!<dasAoD

It's nice Idea! can I use your idea to may homepage??< Arctica

Who is touching his face....it's your mind..(^^<Staci

Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 09:02:12
Pretty ^_^

[475] Crappy picture

All Steps: 128 / Time: 00:24:49 / Undo: 9 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 76 / Bucket: 52
Pencil: 65 / Eraser: 7 / Finger: 4

Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 09:13:54
Sorry, first time using the oekaki boards. *facedesk*

Re:Crappy picture
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 13:49:09
That's great for a first time pic! Poor captain looks sad though.

Re:Crappy picture
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 16:22:55
That's because he never eats! SOB SOB SOB :(

Lovely pic!

Re:Crappy picture
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 01:35:20
Tearoses: Thank you! I hate my mouse *sob*
SAD: poor captain, major eats everyones food. Y_Y. Thank you.

[476] "Kish me, A'kad..."

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

vkitty, aka fangirl Inness [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 13:56:32
A tribute to one of the earlier strips...if you don't remember this one, you obviously aren't a true fan. :P jk..hope you enjoy. :D

This is for Erin, expressly! Even though Alucard is my favourite, I worked to make Integra the sexy one in this picture--just for you, m'dear doujinshi-ka. ;)

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 13:58:44
*drools over Integra* Lovely blurred effect.
But she's been hitting that bottle pretty hard, I think.

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 17:17:24
Weird thoughts about my sexuality come to mind. I think that means you did a good job.

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 17:41:47
Ahhhhh! OMG! Awesome!!! The pose!!! How did you do that?! She looks so pretty!! And is that make up I see (other than the blushing)? You made her look good with make up! Weeee, I love this, great job!! (Of course I remember ^_^) *saves to pc*

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
vkitty [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 02:54:02
*grin* No worries, El Vira. I think she does that to a lot of people. :P

Thank you, everyone! Integra's usually not a big drinker, but when she does, I hear she gets pretty smashed. ^__^

I wonder if Alucard is really as pained as the little veiny-poppy thing makes him out to be? ;)

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 09:03:29
BUWAHAHAHA *Cackles as the pic makes her remember the chaos those words caused*

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
vkitty9 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 10:29:09

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
Zahmira 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 12:20:47
Me likes! Poor Alucard (maybe), this situation just keeps getting worse and worse (better and better?) for him. ;)

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 07:16:16

You have my immense approval with this pic =3

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
vkitty 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 14:19:32
Zahmira--*grin* Truly.

Erin--Yay! *dance* I'm glad you like it. Of course, should you wish, you may do whatever you like with it. :)

Re:"Kish me, A'kad..."
Torahiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:52:45
OH MY GOODNESS!! This was the first thing out of my mouth. I think Alucard's thought is "gods, not again.." *grins* so delicious!! Integra probably got all dressed up AFTER the bottle ^_~ *purrrrrrrrrs*


[480] Twister = Danger

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

vkitty [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 14:22:20

Inspired by a fanfic.

Why DOES Seras always walk in on these things?

Re:Twister = Danger
Staci 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 15:06:55
LOL, Cyuute! I like Integra's expression.^_^

Re:Twister = Danger
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 17:13:14
Poor Seras

Re:Twister = Danger
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 18:00:32
Wahahahaha!! Fanfics inspire the funniest things! I love the expression too heheh!
*slaps Alucard's behind... he falls down on Integra* Sorry, couldn't resist XD

Re:Twister = Danger
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 19:12:07
*snerk* that looks so funnily wrong, I wish I could draw bodies all funny like that. But wait, who's operating the spinner? I can guess though, poor guy.

Re:Twister = Danger
Vanessa 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 21:25:52
Can you post the URL to that fanfiction please? Your picture really made me want to read it. Lol! =D I like how you drew it. I don't think Alucard is going to reach the spinner without falling. Lol!

Re:Twister = Danger
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 01:47:33
XD I remember that fic. Love the poses and the legs look especially awesome.

Re:Twister = Danger
vkitty [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 02:36:25
:D Thanks everyone! I'll probably redo this later, and colour it, too...

But of course, Vanessa, I would be happy to. You can find it at www.fanfiction.net, anime, hellsing, search by title "Bad Positions," or you can choose to use this link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1887855/1/

Re:Twister = Danger
Caz [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 03:56:36
*cracks up* ^__^ Awesome picture. I adore Integra's expression! XD Alucard looks like he's having tons of fun...almost too much fun. And Seras...>_< Poor poor police girl.

The poses are priceless. ^_^ Awesome job

Re:Twister = Danger
Vanessa 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 04:48:16
Thanks vkitty. Can't wait to see it colored if you do color it.

Re:Twister = Danger
Vanessa 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 04:59:09
Lol! I read it. It was funny. =D

Re:Twister = Danger
vkitty9 [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 06:21:37
Too much fun, indeed. *wince*

Thank you very much! And you're welcome, Vanessa. It always cracks me up...:)

Re:Twister = Danger
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 09:16:15
I love this so much. I wonder How this came to be... *Reads fanfic*

Re:Twister = Danger
Zahmira 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 12:14:10
Twister! I love Twister!
*runs off to find Twister game*
*runs back*
Very cool pic! Poor Seras, they didn't even ask her to play! or did they? haven't read the fic yet.

Re:Twister = Danger
Karkahn [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 01:18:54
LOL! I like this! I'm glad to know that I inspired it! ^_^ I would like to thank you for the drawing, even though I highly doubt it was for me, and I would like to thank all those who gave me such wonderful reviews! ^_^ I like the picture though!

Re:Twister = Danger
Karkahn [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 01:33:13
Oh yes, and answers to all questions:
1. Seras found them because I figured it would be better then Walter.
2. Alucard WAS operating the spinner but now it's out of reach, hence, their delema.
3. This came to be from random boredom, and also, maybe a little too much sugar... *whistles innocently*
4. No, they didn't really ask her to play, they just asked her to reach for the spinner.

Now I have a question of my own, vkitty, can you send the URL of you do this in color?? I would like to see it! ^_^

Re:Twister = Danger
Torahiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:47:13
I remember this fanfic!! It was so funny and delicious! ^_^ bravo!! *applauds*


[482] Dark Stormy

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

vkitty [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 14:28:08
Pip, Seras, and Young Walter (the stud) on a camping trip...

Re:Dark Stormy
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 16:23:09
LOL Pip looks so funny! And Seras is sexy. But I can't quite see what Walter is saying?

Walter: Wait, what are you guys doing in World War II? Or shouldn't I be close to seventy now?

just kidding.

Re:Dark Stormy
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 16:27:13
Walter: ::teleports in:: DIE NAZIS!

Pip & Seras: AHHHHHHH!!!

Walter: Oh, wait... WRONG TIME!

Re:Dark Stormy
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 17:14:31
Why can't I go on camping trips with Walter? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?

Re:Dark Stormy
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 18:03:24
That's so cool XD
I'm with El Vira... I feel your pain ;_;

SAD and TeaRoses... ROTFL X3

Re:Dark Stormy
jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 20:57:50
HAHAHAHAHA ^_^I could Imagine that really well.

Re:Dark Stormy
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 01:44:18
hehe sweet. The blues and reds look great in the fire and Pip looks adorable.

Re:Dark Stormy
vkitty [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 02:27:41
Ah, yes...discrepancies in time. ^___^

Yea...I wrote in Walter's script and THEN downsized it--that was a mistake. It only says, "It was a dark and stormy night," so Pip is overreacting just a tad.

Holy Crud Muffins, I just read all of TeaRoses' fics, and now I, TOO, would like to go on a camping trip with Walter.

O, the unfairness of it all. *pout*

Thank you, all! :)

Re:Dark Stormy
Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 03:07:57
WOW! Pip looks awesome in this pic. and also he is clinging to Seras, which makes me ULTRA gleeful. Nice firelight shading. ^_^

Re:Dark Stormy
verathealucardfangirl 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 04:15:31
teehee! walter has bell bottom pants! giggle! i love the pic. oh and El vira you never get to go camping with walter because he has too much common sense than to go thousands of miles from civilizaton into the dark woods with you near by. dont hit me!

Re:Dark Stormy
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 04:25:25
You read my fics? Awwwww... thanks, I'm so happy now ^^. Yes I find senior Walter to be quite the stud as well. Sigh.

Re:Dark Stormy
vkitty9 [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 06:20:23
Thanks, Feather! :D I'm glad for the gleeee.
PANTS. Ooyes. *whistles* Take it OFF!

O.O Dark..woods..danger...run, Walter, run for your liiiiiiiiiiife!

Of course I read them! :) They're wonderful. As he is.

Re:Dark Stormy
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 09:11:26
*Tosses Young Walter over her shoulder fireman style and runs away with him...never to be seen again*

Re:Dark Stormy
vkitty9 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 10:35:15

Come back!

Or at least lemme have his gloves first!

Re:Dark Stormy
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 03:10:08
I'mk sure he would be fine with that thank you very much Vera! I'm sure I could find a way to get get him out there, in every sence of the word.

Re:Dark Stormy
Madelaine [Home Page] 2004/7/22 (Thurs.) 07:38:41
Ahem.. As much as I like this pic, and any Walter, gimme the older Walter ANY DAY!! *Grabs old Walter and runs off cackling gleefully*

[484] Dungeon

All Steps: 616 / Time: 01:41:24 / Undo: 446 / Redo: 143 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 1
Free Line: 533 / Bucket: 83 / Lasso: 26 / Colour wand: 3
Pencil: 230 / Brush: 215 / Air: 1 / : 1 / : 43 / : 40 / : 3

Staci 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 16:23:54
Inspired by vkitty's pic. ^_^

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 17:53:52
BLOOD!! GIVE ME- Er. Sorry. This pic kicks mucho ass!! Great job on the wall and blood... blood. ^_^;

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 19:06:50
Yes, much cool blood and wall. And the monster of course! Good hair.

Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 01:39:28
Awesome. The blood rocks and so does the shading at the ends of the hair.

vkitty [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 02:23:22
Aww...gorgeous! I'm glad to have inspired you. ;) I like the nose and the spot of blood on the cheek, especially.

Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:13:09

Staci 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 10:48:40
lol, *squeezes Bondagecard* ^_^

Thanks to everyone who commented! :D

[485] Ms Alucard

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 21:11:33
This had to be done ^_^
Hope you like it!

Re:Ms Alucard
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/15 (Thurs.) 22:50:01
I was expecting Alucard in drag when I saw the title. But this is so much classier, and it's done so well. She looks so ... ready to kick butt, and those textures of black in the background are lovely.

Re:Ms Alucard
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 01:37:58
That's really nice! Integra look great and the cross. *spaz*

Re:Ms Alucard
Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 09:08:29
For somereason the little "Anything you can do, I can do better" song pops into my mind.
Beautiful work.

Re:Ms Alucard
Zahmira 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 12:07:00
Wow, this is cool! I like the background and the black and red swirliness. Something about this seems familiar to me...

Oh right! When I stole my friend's Alucard stuff at con!


Re:Ms Alucard
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:16:42
Lol! I love it! She looks so cute in his clothing!

[486] collaboration

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

アザゼル 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 00:24:41
for the past last month.
I collaboration with "人和まさと(TOWA MASATO)" (she is pip lover!!)

left pip is drawing she. right andersong is me(of course)

StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 00:56:14
OMG, this is so good!!!! I just love the expression on Pip's face and the way he's leaning on the wall... *dies*

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 01:05:13
Oh! I saw that picture... I didn't even realize two people had drawn it because they mixed together so well. Pip looks so handsome there. (and Andersong also) I wonder what they would talk about.

Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 01:36:39
Both styles blended wonderfully.Pip looks so hot. *clap clap*

Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 03:10:13
Yay! Awesome! Pip looks fantastic, Nice work on the braid! *clings to Pip*

Anderson looks great too. ^_^

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 03:11:27
......no words can say how badly this woops ass, ....noo onnee..o-o so..i'll just spaz, glomp this picture and faint ^^ *Spaz, glomp, faint*

vmwpoc 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 03:46:19
Ohhhhh, that is just toooooo coool... I didn't know those were cancer sticks at first...

Caz [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 03:59:06
*stares* Wooooowww.....COOOOLLL!!! I love how the two styles fit so perfectly together! Wonderful poses! ^_^ *follows Sarah D's example and faints*

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 08:12:40
Whoa the clothes look amazing! And the background!! Amazing @_@ *saves*

Servant_of_Maat [Home Page] 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 09:07:02
I love everything in this pic. You two did an amazing job.

Isla 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 18:06:11

アザゼル 2004/7/16 (Fri.) 22:46:54
I respect her art....
she make a draft after I draw shade and background.

they talk about.... speak ironically??

El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 00:57:34
SPAZ!! At first I thought Pip was spoon feeding Anderson. I was like 'WTF?!' bu then I realized what it was. Damn, I'm slow sometimes.

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:15:34
Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Pip looks niiice. ^_~ Purrow.

Torahiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:42:47
*finally grabs a bucket for her drool* the artistry does flow together very well, and the braid is nifty, and Pip just looks like he needs to talk to someone. ^.^ looks like Alex is a bit possessive too.... mmmmmm PxA possibility.. *creates a lagoon of droolage*


[488] A vs A

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

アザゼル 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 01:04:55
change the clothes.

Let's killing dancing now!!!

Re:A vs A
Staci 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 01:49:10
O.O Ahhh!! AxA, I love it!! This pic is so awesome!! *squeezes pic and dies* @_@

Re:A vs A
El Vira The Enrico FanGirl 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 03:42:48
One word: Damn! Yes, I have been saying that alot latley!

Re:A vs A
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:14:07
*GASP!* My gawd! Unstoppable genius! I adore it!!! Alucard looks UBER HOT!

Re:A vs A
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:24:29
SEXY!!! Anderson looks great with Alucard's clothes.

Re:A vs A
vmwpoc 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:24:40
Yes, I don't know what your intention was but it looks VERY AxA... O_O *droool*

Re:A vs A
Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:58:48
ooooooOOOOoo *Grin* roll reversal, yummeh

Re:A vs A
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 05:00:02
If it's NOT A x A I'd be quite surprised... how sexy and what a great idea! and done so well, they even have each others eyes and teeth, yet they still act like themselves... it really is genius.

Re:A vs A
ChibiDeathchocobo 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 08:58:02
Hehehe... its so awesome!
I dont know about anyone else, but it looks like AxA to me. n.n;;
Hes drooling all over Andersongs gun..thats all i have to say.

Re:A vs A
Isla 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 09:14:29
Can you say... "F'ing Hot?"

Re:A vs A
vmwpoc 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 15:46:45
Well, I can say F'ing Hot, I bet I could even say it athousand times...


Re:A vs A
RayKat 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 17:42:57
F'ing HOT. :o


Re:A vs A
アザゼル 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:07:46
what mean is "F'ing Hot?" ?? I'm not decipherment....(>_<;)

my intention is almighty...(but make an exception of a portion)

Re:A vs A
vkitty 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 03:46:37
It means a word that is too naughty for us to write here without a severe reprimand from Erin, Lord of All That is Doujinshi. ; )

But it's very extreme, so it means he's EXTREMELY EXTREMELY hot.Lovely. Gorgeous. F-able. Er..ahem.
Yes. Hope that helps.

Re:A vs A
Torahiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:39:05
You have just created a visual embodiment of Sin. cuz THAT cannot be anything BUT a sin!! *drools* *Pip appears* Bucket for that drool? *fwaps Pip* ~_~ *drools some more*


Re:A vs A
Zahmira 2004/7/21 (Wed.) 03:53:14
AxA goodess, but they've traded eyes I see. No, clothing as well. Except Alucard still has his glasses.

Damn, very well done!

Re:A vs A
Madelaine [Home Page] 2004/7/22 (Thurs.) 07:34:30
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WOW This IS GREAT!! I worship you.... my favs 2gether

[491] Childhood

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:48:38
I mean, hey, they were all kids at some point, right? ^_^ And of course, he hasn't lost his eye yet, so no eyepatch. and a more childish band-aid.

And a lollypop. ^_^

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:51:57
Awwwww... he must have left the hair uncut from birth! He's so cute!

vmwpoc 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 05:45:23
I don't think his hair would be that long.... but..
cute anyway.

Is he french? Because he sounds french...

vkitty9 [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 06:02:15
He is INDEED French. :D

SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 12:24:25

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:24:07
Lol uber cute. Love the hat.

[492] Contemplation

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:52:43
On a more serious note, this is the first serious picture of Pip I've done.

That's wine, not blood, in the wine glass. O_o

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 04:55:58
Pip: Someone stole my furniture. Guess I'll get drunk.

Seriously, I love the colors... and the braid of course.

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:25:52
Pip needs a couch. xD!

[493] crypt scented

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

vkitty9 [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 06:01:23
Durnit, I have "Time Warp" stuck in my head...*shakes fist* This is all YOUR fault, TeaRoses!

Alucard needs a bath.

Re:crypt scented
Vanessa 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 08:37:44
At first I thought he was steaming from sun bathing. LoL! =D Great picture.

Re:crypt scented
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 10:20:18
That's funny! I like the coffin...

And I didn't even write that fic! But she says her next will be the Sweet Transvestite with Walter and Seras as Brad and Janet.

Re:crypt scented
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 12:23:49
It looks like he's goofing off instead of obeying Integral's orders! HAHA Love the underwear!

Re:crypt scented
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 12:31:50
Lol it reminds me of that pic with Alucard, Integra and Enrico at the beach by Croaky! Awesome! I can... imagine the smell ugh c.c;

Re:crypt scented
vkitty 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 14:16:01
Vanessa--aww, cute idea! :D
TeaRoses--He he he...what about Ballroom Blitz?
Sad--Yep! He's a naughty li'l nosferatu. Mm, underwear...
Nikita--that's because of the pose, I expect...although I tried hard not to be influenced...alas, I am weak of artistry. Sorta. ^____^ Eh, he smells DELICIOUS. *grin*

Re:crypt scented
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:27:17
Lol this is cute. He sorta remidns me of Dream from the Sandman comics... I dunno why. It's very gothy looking.

Re:crypt scented
Toraiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:26:27
This is really cute! ^_^ Alucard is all nonchalant. *ish da authoress who wrote the Rocky Hellsing Time Warp* ^.^ *wavies to her fans* hiya.

seriously though, cuteness!


Re:crypt scented
Torahiko 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 14:27:57
gah T_T damn typos!! *pulls out her shotgun and blows an H-shaped hole in between the 'a' and the 'i'* ~_~


Re:crypt scented
vkitty 2004/7/22 (Thurs.) 13:53:58
^______^ Loved your fic!

Thank you thank you!

[495] NO WEAPONS!!

All Steps: 2839 / Time: 00:51:40 / Undo: 69 / Redo: 0 / Clear: 0 / Max Layer: 3
Free Line: 2784 / Line: 2 / Circle: 2 / Bucket: 34 / Move: 17 / Rect marquee: 7
Pencil: 2231 / : 342 / : 215

SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 12:21:45
Doc doesn't have weapons because he doesn't fight. Anderson is very disappointed! He will go fight Alucard now!

(For Azazel!)

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 12:27:49
..."do you know what they gave me to protect myself with?"
"....something pretty damn devistatin' i'd expect"



"nothing at all.. not even an old mallet"

...hichhikers guide to the galaxy, thats what this reminds me of, Andersong is the mighty Frogstar robot, class D and Doc, is the lovable Marvin the paranoid android...WE LUFF YOU DOC *glomps doc* ^^

vmwpoc 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 15:44:40
Yeah, he only *fights* with men that have really *nice* weapons....

Sorry for the yaoi comment.

Very cool by the way.

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:31:14
I love their expressions. Very nice. ^^

StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 00:32:02
Woooah, great job!!
Did you get my mail? It came back for some reaseon...

SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 02:28:44
Thank you, everyone!

Hmm.. Yes, I got one e-mail from you, which I replied to... Then I never got one after that.

StarlightDancer [Home Page] 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 09:16:22
I'll try again...

アザゼル 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 10:46:42
Yes. certainly he nothing weapons...!
but he've superior brains. he is an intellectual worker!?

this pic is great!!!
you used tablet or mouse in this way??
Andersong's a profile very nice...
thankyou very much SAD!!
I keep my pc!!!

Amy the pip fangirl 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 12:45:11
"and the petunia just sat there and said, 'oh no, not again.'"

^_^ yay somebody who adores hellsing and hitch hikers guide to the galaxy!!! i salute you! by the way... my above line is my very favorite part... that and "'forty-two'"

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 00:14:50
Very funny, and you drew it so well! It looks like Azazel's style (and yours). I don't know whether to feel sorry for Doc or not. I have a pic for Azazel too, but it's not good like this... but I'm off to scan it anyway!

アザゼル [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 00:26:44
for TeaRoses

wow! please your pic!!!
and send to my e-mail...

SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 19:23:34
Yes, certainly! Your words, "superior brains, he is an intellectual worker" brings this mental image to me: Doc fighting with his brain! Hahahaha! ^^; He will throw it like a ball? I am sorry, that is strange! ^^;

Thank you, Azazel! I am glad you like it! I used my new tablet... for the first time here! It is nice (tablet) because it makes things faster... You're welcome!

[496] Oh no! More SxP!

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Feather the Pip Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 13:55:23
Yep, more SxP. ^_^ I need a life.
Hey, I actually put a background this time. O_o Shazam.
*looks meaningfully at the floral pattern on Seras's dress*

Re:Oh no! More SxP!
vmwpoc 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 15:43:09
Very cute ^_^

Re:Oh no! More SxP!
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:32:22
Aw, it's sweet.

Re:Oh no! More SxP!
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 00:11:13
It's very sweet! Love the braid (always do) and the flower is cute. And Seras' chest is... like it is in the manga ROFL! Very bright.

Re:Oh no! More SxP!
josh 2004/7/20 (Tue.) 00:33:53
its very romantic

[497] ANOTHER Alucard

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

vmwpoc 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 15:51:48
O_o ... err...

Re:ANOTHER Alucard
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 16:59:08
::GASP:: That's scary! Love the shading on his coat.

Re:ANOTHER Alucard
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:33:51
Gorgeous job! The shading is just like wow! Love it!

Re:ANOTHER Alucard
vkitty 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 03:44:11
Yaaaaaaaay! More stuff to see on DA!

Re:ANOTHER Alucard
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 00:09:18
Oh how cool! Love the fun sweeping style, and that amazing hair!

[498] gunslinging vampire

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Elfzilla [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:25:41
This is my first anime and oekaki picture of Alucard!
He's lacking his fedora...I know...shut up...

Re:gunslinging vampire
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 22:35:04
I like it, very good for a first-time Oekaki. Nice shading too.

Re:gunslinging vampire
Tisha [Home Page] 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 01:57:28
I love your style.

Alucard looks suspiciously friendly... Maybe part of his dastardly plans... 0.0

Re:gunslinging vampire
vkitty 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 03:43:32
He doesn't ALWAYS need his hat, although it is very spiffy. :) I rather think he looks better without it. You captured a very un-Alucardish expression here, but I like it...it catches one off guard, so maybe that's why he's employing it. ^________^
Very good for a first, and even better at a first oekaki! ...I hate drawing with a mouse.

Oo, and I love the chin! I don't know why...just drawn to it. Aw, crap...I've done that SAME pun by accident TWICE in two days. Not cool. Not cool at all. >< Eh..heh heh...


Re:gunslinging vampire
Possum [Home Page] 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 05:47:25
Elfzillaaa! You came to the oekaki! *smothers her with love*

ahem. This is awesome. I love how you draw eyes and the grin is just *melt*

Re:gunslinging vampire
vmwpoc 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 09:34:21
It's a great picture but I find the chin very scary.. Jay Leno should not be mixed with Alucard O_o

Re:gunslinging vampire
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 00:07:53
This is sort of a more ... relaxed Alucard! LOL funny smile, and really good for Oekaki... (I say that like I could actually draw Oekaki, or anything LOL)

Re:gunslinging vampire
Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 12:07:57
He looks like my dad. Except with long hair. o_o;

Re:gunslinging vampire
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 19:18:38
This is cute!!!

Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 12:07:57
He looks like my dad. Except with long hair. o_o;

O_O That's... wow!

[499] Seres, ja-ne

Time: ??:??:?? / Undo: ? / Redo: ? / Clear: ?

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/7/17 (Sat.) 23:22:05
theres seres, your probably wondering about the ja-ne part, I'm guna be gone for the week T_T damn parents loving the damn cabin so much.. u.u i'll miss you all, *Sniffle..sniffle..........Bawls*

Re:Seres, ja-ne
vkitty 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 03:39:53
Oo, pretty! I especially lik the background, her face, and the detail on her uniform. Well done! :)

Aw, have fun! Be glad you HAVE a cabin. *grumble*

Re:Seres, ja-ne
vkitty 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 03:40:21
Holy Muffins..I wrote "lik." Ugh. I hate it when I typo.

I meant 'like,' of course. ><

Re:Seres, ja-ne
vmwpoc 2004/7/18 (Sun.) 09:33:41
Very cute! It looks much better than your last one.

Re:Seres, ja-ne
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 00:05:16
Aw, cuteness! I like the colors you used, and she shine on the boots, and her sweet face. I'll miss you.

Re:Seres, ja-ne
SAD [Home Page] 2004/7/19 (Mon.) 19:18:00
NOOOO!!! Have fun! =(

Re:Seres, ja-ne
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/7/21 (Wed.) 07:38:30
Very cute, love her outfit. ^^

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