[350] [I have no idea for title -_-~]

August 2004/6/11
Sorry, I don't know what I should write -_-~ [Someone have got any idea?]. I hope you like it ^^.

And, please, write more than only 'Awww, how cute', 'Owww, I love that' or others sentences like that. Thank You. [And sorry]

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
Rachel K. 2004/6/11
I like the look of your art here, but this kinda exudes a beastiality vibe..

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
Kim the vampire [Home Page] 2004/6/12
this is freaking fantastic, the shading is AMAZING!!!!!!!!

I really do enjoy this, tada!

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/6/12
Wow, the teeth are very well done and I love the shading on Integra, especially the face. Beastiality vibe? I wouldn't go that far myself, though I suppose they do seem to be having and interesting little moment there.

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
Yoan 2004/6/12
Dear God! These teeth sure gonna haunt me for awhile^^. Erm, no. Maybe it's the drool O.0 ... Heh, Integra suuuure does know who's in that doggie^^.

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
August 2004/6/12
That's right Yoan- it's exactly that what I mean ^____^.

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
zimon66 2004/6/12
Integra *thinking to self* "Maybe I should have him neutered."

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/12
haha all i could think of to write for about five minutes was, "wow..." i love her eyes, they are gorgeous, her skin looks so smooth and i love the shading, and if it wasn't for the fact that alucard'a a hell hound i'd say that dog looks real! haha, i love this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
Rachel K. 2004/6/12
I'm half-joking, Tearoses, but..with the little blush on Integral's face and the posistioning of the characters, well..maybe I just have a dirty mind.

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/13
That's so cute! Lol, that is not all I have to say, I'm just kidding ^^U I reallly love the lines, specially how you drew Teggy's eye (err, I keep calling her Teggy... *runs*)

..And love how you shaded with the outlines. Very nice!

Re:[I have no idea for title -_-~]
Marina [Home Page] 2004/6/16
That is very cute.

August-san, I'm sorry, but I've no idea what else to write ^^;; There's nothing in this picture I could criticise, I can't comment on the technique or anything - but I do find it very cute, and I want you to know that, so what should I write, other than that? ^^;;;


Yoan 2004/6/12
I thought of it watching Potter Puppet Pals at (how original^^) www.potterpuppetpals.com . Be careful - you can die laughing^^. "Let's go bother Snape" is priceless! :) Have fun with watching it!^^
(no, I have not made that page, I'm just passing link that is worth seeing).

DeathWind [Home Page] 2004/6/12
Nice pic! I can't hear anything in the potterpuppetpals though.

August 2004/6/12
Owww... It's so mean [I'm lovin' it :evil grin:]

Yoan 2004/6/12
Um, if you have the loudspeaker installed in your comp, DeathWind, you should turn it on^^. The power in that show lies in words^^.

Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/6/12
Oh, I've seen that. I don't really like Harry Potter, though.

Laruel Nacitav [Home Page] 2004/6/12
XD. That's awesome. One of the funniestthings I've seen in a week. You should draw one of them bothering alex .
hehe XD

Amy the oblivious 2004/6/12
haha, my friends showed me that once in anime club, pretty much all of us lover harry potter, and love sirius black... mmmm da sezzy!

Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/13
XD ahhh hellsing puppet pals. "ready? SHOOT HIM!"

Kim the vampire 2004/6/13
Lets go bother Andy?

BRILLIANT!!!!!!!! I can just see the next part!

"Father Alex! Bother bother!"
"Oh no, I am Alex, the sword weilding priest"

[353] Self-Insert

Akilika 2004/6/12
Well, I'm new. Finished reading Shine about a day or two ago, only to figure out I was too late to be a fangirl in the comic. *sigh* But never one to be discouraged, I decided to make myself a fangirl this way.

Walter looks a bit more peeved than I intended--I mostly was going for tired. But I like it anyway. :) And I hope you do, too.

Tisha [Home Page] 2004/6/12
That is awesom. That's a really good style. I'm so happy for fangirls...


Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/13
Oooooh nice. Your style is very...*pokes brain* realistic. *thumbs up*

Kim the vampire 2004/6/13
this is grand, I love it

TeaRoses [Home Page] 2004/6/13
Aw, he looks rather tired and sweet, to me. I'm a huge Walter fangirl myself! this is very very cute, I love the pencil work.

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/13
Whoa awesome pencil job!! *_*

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/14
I love this, I really do. It's such a realistic rendition of a fangirl-scene =D

Marina [Home Page] 2004/6/16
Wow, cool. That's so realistic!

[355] Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]

August 2004/6/14
I think it isn't obscene, is it O.o?!~

I hope you like it ^^

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]
TeaRoses 2004/6/14
Well it's not my board, but I certainly wouldn't call it obscene. Rather sexy and erotic in a good way. I love the shading on the skin, and the look on her face. But is he sucking her blood or just giving her a hickey or something? Or do I want to know? LOL

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]
August 2004/6/14
What the hell...I don't know, why I called it 'obscene' O.o?!~


I don't know what are they doing [^_-], but- he's not sucking her blood.


'Sleeping with the enemy'

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's jok
Zahmira 2004/6/14
if he was sucking her blood, I think we'd see some. Unless he's very tidy at the dinner table ;)

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]
Kim the vampire 2004/6/14
eegg, this is pretty

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's jok
zimon66 2004/6/14
Integra doesn't appear all that into it - "Now where is that TV remote......."

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's jok
Zahmira 2004/6/14
I don't know... I sorta think she's more like "Damn it, I don't want to look like I'm enjoying this, but..."

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/15
haha, alucard with tidy tyable manners, ofr some reason that makes me laugh. I love the color you used for her eyes and the sheets, to tell you the truth i like most blues! very sexy!

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]
els the arucard fan girl 2004/6/15
gaa!!!! its like wheres that screw from my glasses??

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's jok
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/15
*eats her own hand* Teh hotness. I love you. And they're blushing. Zo zekzy @_@ And it's BLUE! *blushes with them* xD

I love you.

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]
vera the alucard fangirl 2004/6/15
wow y'all! (im from the country i can say y'all if i want to) this is relly good! i too love the shading. Alucard blushing? i find that rather amusing! oh, so all of you know i did not die or lose my obsession for hellsing,i havent been on lately because my dad killed the computer, yes my friends, my dad killed it. this is how, im sitting at home happy and free on the internet when my computer shuts down (it had a weird virus of some kind) my dady turns the computer back on "i'll fix it" he says. i know from the start its a bad idea. but does anyone listen to me? no,of course not but if they did the world would be a much better place. so my dad starts up the computer . he pushes about 6 diffrent buttons when the computer goes *beeeeeeppp* "dumping all memory"."dad, i dont think it's supposed to do that" i inform him. turns out i was, as usual correct. my dad had some how erased every program or bit of hard drive that had ever been on the computer. thanks dad. there now ive given a lengthy explination as to why i havent been on in ages. i feel better now. sorry you all had to listen to that. ^.^

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's jok
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/16
Off topic, sorry, but yeah I know how you feel Vera... my dad just restarted my computer right when I was in the middle of drawing, and doing a lot of other things. -_- Dads must be cursed or something.

Re:Something obscene ^_- [It's joke]
El Vira the Alucard FanGirl 2004/6/17
I am not dead either, my computer isn't dead, nor does my father only have the intelligence of a troll. I've just not had the time nor the mental capasity, to corrupt my mind, further, with Hellsing, but all is right in the world now. Anyway, speaking of the picture, its really good. Why can't I ever get that close to Alucard?

[360] Sir Integral-sama again ^^

Marina [Home Page] 2004/6/16
A second Sir Integral-sama, once again to thank Erin-san for the wonderful doujinshi. Every day it amuses me and provides my necessary dose of Sir Integral-sama (me? of course I'm addicted! ^^;; ).

(Why I didn't draw glasses? You see, this picture expresses her intentness on reaching her goals and moving forward and fulfilling her mission, and the lack fo glasses symbolises her removing anything that might stand between her and her goal.
Well, I actually just forgot about them. ^^;;;;; )

Re:Sir Integral-sama again ^^
TeaRoses 2004/6/16
What a beautifully sculpted face. And wonderful shading. The glasses really wouldn't have worked in this pic, and she has to take them off sometime.

Re:Sir Integral-sama again ^^
Zahmira 2004/6/16
"I will reach my goal! It's just a little fuzzy at the moment. Or is that possibly a cat? It's so hard to tell..."

This is such a beautiful picture! Besides, I've half-written (half-forgotten) a fic were she wears contacts instead of glasses! Ok, they were coloured contacts to hide her new eye colour, but still no glasses!

I can't get over how cool this picture is!

Re:Sir Integral-sama again ^^
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/17
*grin* Elizabeth used to come up with similarly extravagant excuses when she forgot to draw Integral's glasses.

Okay, okay, you can stop complimenting me every time you draw a picture . . . I'll get a swelled head if this keeps up.

(Oh, and, I think her chin's a bit too pointy here.)

[361] Annoying ^^

Marina [Home Page] 2004/6/16
This is me being happy about finally figuring out how to make oekaki work. So no point in this picture. I don't even know how Aludard managed to annoy Sir Integral-sama this time. Sorry ^^;;

Re:Annoying ^^
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/17
^^!!!! SO CUTE!! i love the look on alucard's face and his tounge sticking out and integra's so adorable!!

Re:Annoying ^^
vmwpoc 2004/6/22
It's sooooo cute!!! I love it!!

[362] Maxwell and Anderson in the dark

vmwpoc 2004/6/16
Um... wow, what am I doing??

Ok, anyway, I'm going to do the world a favor and not upload all my yaoi pictures.... hope ya like this picture?

Re:Maxwell and Anderson in the dark
TeaRoses 2004/6/16
Yee that's a dark take on Maxwell, but I love it! With Anderson sneaking up there too! Wonderful style, fits so well with horror.

Hellsing yaoi? I saw this pic the other day of ... nevermind...

Re:Maxwell and Anderson in the dar
Zahmira 2004/6/16
whoa, creepy. What's happening with 'Rico's eyes? I can't get over the creepiness, but I still like it...

Hellsing yaoi? And where might this be? *shifty eyes*

Re:Maxwell and Anderson in the dar
Pyschogecko 2004/6/16
I really like the creepy shinys in this ^_^

*stares at Enrico*...O_O INCOGINTO! XD

Re:Maxwell and Anderson in the dark
Kim the Vampire [Home Page] 2004/6/17
yum...I REALLY like this one

Enrico looks great, and Anderson is glorious!

Re:Maxwell and Anderson in the dark
jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/6/19
gee ^_^ I did not know you are here too.
I think I can just repead myself: scary!!!

[363] Hellsing Plushes!

Akilika [Home Page] 2004/6/16
I swear, I'll get some ideas of my own, soon. ^^; This was inspired by Erin's Integra-plushie. Somewhat larger version available at homepage link.

I really wanted to have Andersong sewing himself back together, but that doesn't jive with everyone being inanimate. *sigh* Next time. :)

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
TeaRoses 2004/6/16
Those are adorable! I love the little eyes and the clothes and everything, and it's so funny. I've actually been bugging my friend who makes plushies for a Walter plushy... if she ever does it I'll post here.

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
Pyschogecko 2004/6/16
...*GLOMP* This is so cute! X3 You make me want to make one again!

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
els the arucard fan girl 2004/6/16
thank you thank you *dies of adoration towarads author* sooo kawaii yay yay yay

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
Marina [Home Page] 2004/6/16
That's so incredibly cute! Such wonderful plushies! And great attention to detail as well.
Even the torn-up Andersong is very cute.

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
Pyschogecko 2004/6/17
XD There's a Hellsing crest on the shoebox! XD omg cute!

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
Zahmira 2004/6/18
I really love Maxwell poking his head over the shoe box.

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
zimon66 2004/6/19
So that's who it is - I didn't recognize Maxwell of course never seen him as a little cloth doll before.

I'm surprised that the Hellsing characters haven't been merchandised into "cute dolls" like so many other anime characters. From this and Sarah Dempster's drawings, it shows that it is possible to transform Hellsing into something cuddly.

I would LOVE to have chibi versions of the Valentine Brothers and Sadako ("Ringu").

Re:Hellsing Plushes!
Morgan [Home Page] 2004/6/20
She's not merchandise, but I finally did finish my Integra plushie. I'm just too lazy to take a picture.
Ickle Seras is my favorite in this. <3

[364] Hellhound

Zahmira 2004/6/17
Someone said plushie! This is my plushie Hellsing Hellhound, complete with 8 eyes, collar, anklet, fur, etc!

It was a present for me from my friend Andrew, his friend made it. Actually, that's what she does for a living, she makes furry things :)

I made Andrew his guns for con, and he got me a hellhound! So happy!

TeaRoses 2004/6/17
Allow me to be the first to say... that is so freaking cute! Love the eyes.

Kim the Vampire 2004/6/18
oh my god...I love it!!!

Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/18
The eyes are just amazing. It really does look a great deal like Akado in his hellhound form. Compliments to the person who made it.

Akilika [Home Page] 2004/6/18
I agree--that is adorably cute. ^^ Makes me want a hellhound of my own . . . very good work.

Zahmira 2004/6/18
About the eyes, she couldn't find any red eyes, so she bought other ones and scraped the paint off the back and repainted them.

The collar is made from 3 embroidery hoops.

zimon66 2004/6/19
There should be Hellhound plushies - I bet, they would sell like hotcakes and be bought not only by Hellsing fans but non-fans too.

Zahmira 2004/6/19
One thing I find interesting is how all the Hellsing fans think the Hellhound is so cute, but anyone else who sees him thinks, "that's really creepy. I wouldn't want one..."

Little Alucard was definitly popular at the con. :)

Shadsie 2004/6/20
I'd buy one!

zimon66 2004/6/20
Once the inital shock of the dog's odd appearance wore off, non-fans probably would buy it.

Look at the DOG toys - those things are freaky looking and people LOVE them.

Thess [Home Page] 2004/6/20
God. Is gorgeous!

I really wish someone sell them on the stores -_-;;

Vmwpoc 2004/6/21
SUPER ****IN' COOL!! I want one....

Zahmira 2004/6/23
If you really want one, I can put you in contact with the person who made mine. Just email me.

[367] Walter and Seras

Akilika [Home Page] 2004/6/19
Well, TeaRoses said she'd be thrilled if someone drew Walter and Seras kissing, and I figured, "Why not? I need practice at kissing, anyway." (And, TeaRoses, if it's up to your standards you may put it on your site.)

Larger version available at my "home page" link.

Re:Walter and Seras
Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/20
ahh the fluff. How it cleanses my soul.

Re:Walter and Seras
Morgan [Home Page] 2004/6/20
Beautiful artwork, but what? D: I guess you know, whatever floats your boat.
(Which would - I'll say it again - be water!)

Re:Walter and Seras
Zahmira 2004/6/20
It looks like Walter is inhaling her. Her lip is sticking out a bit too much.

A very nice picture in any event. I havn't seen any SxW art before.

Assuming that Pip never showed up, I could kinda see these two maybe getting together.

Re:Walter and Seras
TeaRoses 2004/6/20
I was so shocked when I scrolled down; I can't believe anyone actually did this, despite my blatant begging. I love it, seriously, it's sweet as heck and the colors are great. And I'm putting it up on my site for certain, now I have two whole fanarts! Whee!
(As for Pip, see, this is Seras in the blue uniform so it's set in the anime... *sweatdrop*) Thank you so so much!

Re:Walter and Seras
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/6/20
Ha! I knew it, i'm not the only one who wanted them to get together and Vera said I was crazy! I thought they would be cute together. Anyway, the art is very good!

Re:Walter and Seras
zimon66 2004/6/20
Walter has a slightly pained expression, Seras must be sitting on his keys. She on the otherhand looks to be throughly enjoying the smooch.

Re:Walter and Seras
Zahmira 2004/6/20
Ah, You are right TeaRoses. OK, I'll rephrase.

Assuming there was a second season and Pip didn't show up...

How's that?

I'd love to see more of your art, Akilika!

Re:Walter and Seras
Vmwpoc 2004/6/21
Heh.... Walter, that whore... jk.

No, I'm very open minded. He needs some lovin.

Get that Seras bitch out of the way of Alucard. He needs to get his freak on with Integra or really not priests.

[368] Godzilla goes London

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/6/19
Nja Nja. I think I had a bit too much Godzilla last night XD

Re:Godzilla goes London
Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/6/19
EE first coment! Jo0T~!

=D i can just see all the little "undead filth" running around screaming "IT ANDZILLA! IT ANDZILLA"..god..that green apple soda works..so well..*looks back at a large jug of carbonated green fluid*.......O_O;... everything green is stalking meee

Re:Godzilla goes London
els the arucard fan girl 2004/6/20
long live andzilla!!!!! ya know andersons really cool!!!! and long live carbonated drinks

Re:Godzilla goes London
Kim the vampire [Home Page] 2004/6/20
this is simply beautiful!!!!

Re:Godzilla goes London
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/20

Round of applause time. Because this is just that amazingly spiffy ^___^

Re:Godzilla goes London
Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/20
XD this is adorable. Now I have a mental image of normal anderson wearing a suit like that and alucard laughing his arse off.

Re:Godzilla goes London
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/20
does this mean that anderson is stronger than alucard now?? NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! haha i love how the claws look like anderson holding his bayonets between his fingers!!

Re:Godzilla goes London
Morgan [Home Page] 2004/6/20
Whahaha! I get the biggest kick out of that awesome, awesome background and Anderson's vicious expression. :D

Re:Godzilla goes London
Zahmira 2004/6/20
Oh God, that is awesome!

Oops, London bridge fell down, I see :)

Re:Godzilla goes London
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/6/20
DUDE! Thats cool!

Re:Godzilla goes London
zimon66 2004/6/20
So what would Alucard be - Rodan?

Re:Godzilla goes London
Vmwpoc 2004/6/21
You know I love your shit! This is fuckin awesome!! O_O

[372] Something happened to the water

Vmwpoc 2004/6/21

Heh... I dunno.... I'm a freak.

Re:Something happened to the water
zimon66 2004/6/21

Re:Something happened to the water
Laruel Nacitav [Home Page] 2004/6/21 
This picture is hilarious

Re:Something happened to the water
TeaRoses 2004/6/21
That's... odd... but sensual in a blunt way, if that makes any sense... And I can totally see Anderson bathing without the glasses but with the knife.

Re:Something happened to the water
zimon66 2004/6/21
That's so he can scrub his back - LOL!!!

Re:Something happened to the water
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/22
This pic is really funny... and creative XD

Re:Something happened to the water
CheiftainMaelgwyn [Home Page] 2004/6/23
Heh, very... Anderson like. ^^= I like the swirly-ness

Re:Something happened to the water
josh 2004/6/23
and funny he brings a blessed knife in the bath

Re:Something happened to the water
ChibiDeathChocobo 2004/6/24
Yay!Some Yaoi..::waves a flag::Hehe poor alex..and yet..::ponders::Very good picture hehe n.n

Vampire Brand Bubble Bath XDXD

[376] eh...

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/22
You saw this comming didn't you? c_c It's my FIRST try at drawing him... ever...(with little to no reference) so please try to be nice, I know it has horrible mistakes (I wasn't even trying hard enough, it was done on a doodle board ~_~'), but I'm not in a very good emotional state o_o; I didn't do him justice... but I plan to, someday. Decided to show you guys because when I do him justice you can tell me how much I'm improving ;P (I can't believe I'm actually scared of posting this)

PS:...he looks all weird- and very blonde. -.-U

TeaRoses 2004/6/22
I'm not hip enough to judge really, but I love it... great facial expression and the braid looks nice. And I like the shading.

Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/22
I like this muchly. If Seras saw this she'd be making out with the computer screen. XD

Zahmira 2004/6/23
wow, that's great! He looks very sexy here. Normally I'm not all that into Pip!

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/23
Thanks so much guys! Normally I see some sexy looking Pips *blames Solid&Etc...and etc* but I usually think he's sexy in the manga too, so I dunno (personal opinions rock)... My real reason for drawing Pip is my sadness over his tragedy ;_; *points down to some earlier posts* I'm trying to avoid crying every time I see him x.x;

TeaRoses 2004/6/23
 I'm afraid I'm firmly on the side of those who thinks he looks sexy in the original, though certain Japanese sites do seem to add a whole new dimension to everyone.

CheiftainMaelgwyn [Home Page] 2004/6/23
This is amazing! I like the very Oekaki-ness of it all.

Thess [Home Page] 2004/6/23
*worships Nikita*

Is GORGEOUS. I like the pose and the coloring. Also he does look like Pip. He's handsome IMO, he looks like a good looking man and has nothing of girly. Always a plus. Seras is one lucky (or unlucky) girl (considering the last issues). I mean, anyone who looks good death and bloody is always hot.

To all that hate Pip. Why? It strikes me a silly prejuice at times. After 'Get Away!' it really puzzles me how can anyone dislike Pip. Alucard I can understand (great character still), he acts like a complete jerk and vicious monster most of the time. Pip is a sweet guy.

Amy the oblivious 2004/6/23
i think i'm in love with you you draw so well, seriously! will you marry me?! haha just playing, but your art is always so beutiful, i love your stuff keep it up!

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/23
Thank you so much, you people make me feel better ;_; *sends out hugs* Pip is a sweet guy from what I've seem too heheh ^^ And he's COOL!

...I just noticed it... my lame excuse for a background reminds me of... a shiny sky... heaven? T_T Waaaaaa!!! *sobs*

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/23
Love love love it! Pip looks hot. More ciggy's. xD I love the sketchinga nd shadin on this, very nice. ^^

xtina [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Oh...God. You rock. I hope you post what you consider doing him justice.

P.S. Pip is Canadian XD

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Pip = French. Kohta Hirano said so. So there ^_^

xtina [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Aw, seriously..?
Well, if the almighty author/artist says he's French, he's French. Thanks ^__^

[377] clones

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/6/22
My friend Kasan and I, seen in the right corner at the bottom, where cloneing Hellsingcharas and this is the result. First we cloned Maxwell because if anything would go wrong it would not be that as bad (and things went wrong: too many survived, two are not gay and one is a girl...). Next week I will go to Rome with my class and let the Maxwells free ;)

TeaRoses 2004/6/22
That's truly hilarious... all those ponytails... and such a fun style.

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/22
Lol... I love it... that's the cutest and in some weird way dynamic pic I've seen in a while.. the expressions are so funny XD I love this... Since you have so many why not share? ;D

Vmwpoc 2004/6/22
You know what I think of this....


I love the drunk maxwell ..... O_o eh heh heh heh....

Yoan 2004/6/22
Heh-hahahaha! OMG... can't breath... can't... *cough* That's better. THIS is the funniest oekaki I've seen for a loooong time! Go you! I never would be able to draw that kind of damn funny stuff. Poor Integra. One Aru, one Max and one Andy is enough for whole world... But... hundreds of them?!?

アザゼル 2004/6/22
Love!I love it---!!
Thankyou lovely pic!

Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/22
Share an andersong? Pretty please?
Two of the Maxwells aren't gay? What kind of genetic mutation caused that?
The Alucard with the cross in his teeth...why does that make me laugh so hard?

zimon66 2004/6/23
Maybe should send a few of the Maxwell clones over into the comic's "Return of the Fangirls" storyline before Maxwell (The original) gets buried alive under a bunch of nonstop chattering chibi-fans.

Zahmira 2004/6/23
What's happening to the Maxwell that is bottom center?

Poor Integra...

yardena the ceras fangirl 2004/6/23
what...no ceras??? *sob*

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/23
This is sooooooooooooooo cool.

Which of the Enricos is a girl? (I'm gonna guess the one right in the middle, who's tripping . . . but then again, this is Enrico, so it's hard to tell . . .)

I love your style. It's so clean and cute and economic and huggable <3

CheiftainMaelgwyn [Home Page] 2004/6/23
Khaaaaaa! Can I have one of the clone Alucard-samas? ^_^=

Hah, I like the drunk Maxwell.

Kim the vampire 2004/6/23
oh dear god....I'd love that many Andersons...

Thess [Home Page] 2004/6/23
LOL. 'And Integral awoke from the nightmare... "No more brandy after duty..."'

This reminds me to a doujinshi pages I spotted somewhere. It was P/S I think and got the plus of Integral clones (with light clothes) serving Major Max.

els the arucard fan girl 2004/6/23
bwahahaha sooo cute yea this is the funniest in a while btw what ever happened to willam the bear

Zahmira 2004/6/23
I think that the one that's a girl is the one that's winking with a little heart on the left side of the picture.

Which are the two that are not gay?

El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/6/23
I like I just cracked a rib. Its 2:19 and everyone but me is asleep, so I've been trying not to make noise, becuase my Dad will wake up if he assumes I'm actually enjoying myself.

ChibiDeathChocobo 2004/6/24
As I said once more...cant..breath..XDXD::laughs so very very hard:: Its so kawaii and hilarious at the same time!!!

Moe 2004/6/24
*Inhales deeply.calmly lets out breath*..............
*Chokes, coughs* - EEEEEEEEEEEEEE

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/6/24
Maybe it inspires Erin a wee bit :) I would be happy to know I add a piece of idea to her work. Maybe this "I� Enricos twinsister-story".
And Jep. the one with the heart is the maxgirl. ^__^

sir integra chan 2004/6/27
heh heh holy crap

[380] solitary soul

アザゼル 2004/6/24
He is protect a person from the enemy.
He is not cry with pain.

but he seeing that many many dead from precious people.
he live a long long time...after this.

Re:solitary soul
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/24
where in the heck DID alexander get that cut anyway? i still don't know... oh and i love this picture!

Re:solitary soul
Kim the vampire [Home Page] 2004/6/24
Dear god thats beautiful...

Oh my god, I can just die in happiness now...this is glorious

Re:solitary soul
Possum [Home Page] 2004/6/24
*tackleglomps* That is amazing. The ghoul blood looks awesome.

Re:solitary soul
TeaRoses 2004/6/24
I really love this... the contrast of shades, the little lines that seem to represent roughness, the shock of the blood and the green eyes. It shows so much strength and determination.

Re:solitary soul
Zahmira 2004/6/24
very nice! I take it you are actually Japanese? Your name reads azazeru, right?

I want to know where that scar came from too!

Re:solitary soul
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/24
Omfg that's fantastic! Wow, totally gorgeous! Great job. ^^ I love his eyes, and the expression on his face.

Re:solitary soul
Tisha [Home Page] 2004/6/24
His one hand looks makes him look like Wolverine.

Double the sexiness. X3!!

Re:solitary soul
アザゼル 2004/6/24
thankyou many delightful comment!
yes.I'm japanese. I operation homepage mainly of Iscariot!!
and I know Wolverine. I like too!!

Re:solitary soul
Kim the vampire 2004/6/24
Anderson さん が だい だい だい だい すき です!!!!

Re:solitary soul
TeaRoses 2004/6/24
Can you share your homepage with us? Or does it make sense to English-speakers? I love Iscariot very much.

Re:solitary soul
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/24
Wow that's really amazing!! Great job, you've got a lot of talent! ^__^

Re:solitary soul
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/6/24
Theres something to be said about a guy who can pull off being sexy whilst bleeding- Then again I haven't slept in 4 days, so don't agree with me, unless you are convinces I'm right, then tell me I was right after I've slept so I can fully appreciate that I've done something right!

Re:solitary soul
TeaRoses 2004/6/24
You're right, but for heaven's sake get some sleep! (not that I should talk)
And speaking of people with knives on their hands I don't suppose anybody else here knows Molly (Millions) from Neuromancer? Heh.

Re:solitary soul
アザゼル [Home Page] 2004/6/24
私も大好きです!!!(I like him too!!!)

sorry... my homepage is japanese only.
and few pic of serious.
but I'l be happy to you enjoy this site.

Re:solitary soul
"Angeldust" Anderson [Home Page] 2004/6/24
Are you the same guy that did those two "Judas Priest" pics a while back? These are awesome, keep it up. Anderson>all

Re:solitary soul
TeaRoses 2004/6/24
Lovely page! I don't want to say too much here but I was so impressed by the pictures, especially Heinkel and Yumiko!

Re:solitary soul
アザゼル [Home Page] 2004/6/25
two "Judas Priest"?
It's leather Andersong? if so draw pic (^^)/

Re:solitary soul
Kim the vampire 2004/6/25
Willful Genocide is actually one of my favorite websites on the internet, and I am really honored to meet the owner.

And luckily for me and my 6 years of japanese...I can understand it!

日本語 が わかりさう!!!

Re:solitary soul
Vmwpoc 2004/6/25

^_^ I'm a big sucker for Andersong. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Love it.... love it... love it!!!

^_^ You make him look so very hot !! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Re:solitary soul
Vmwpoc 2004/6/25
Ohh-- by the way- I know your page.

Don't you do Andersong/Arucard Yaoi?

I think I know where you post- I have it bookmarked. Your stuff is 100% of amazing. ^_^

Re:solitary soul
アザゼル 2004/6/25
I can't drow Andersong/Arucard Yaoi...
but another drow yaoi pic....(^^;)

[381] Integra the Erin fangirl X3

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/24
My hand huuuurts... but it was worth it!
Sorry if I made too many mistakes Erin, I was basing this on the drawings of yourself in the comic (that I enjoy muchly)... Thanks for.. well, this place, and for keeping it so great! And for being a nice and cool person! Heheh hope you like it.

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
TeaRoses 2004/6/24
Sweet! It's Integra-the-Erin-fangirl! And you do so well with coloring and shading. *kisses little Integra*

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/6/24
I'm an Erin Fangirl. Where would my sanity be with you Erin? -TEAR- It would probably still be in Vegas where I attempted to leave it in a hotel room.

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/24
Thanks ^^ I guess Integra would preffer to be called fan..woman? Maybe fanSir... heehee

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Zahmira 2004/6/24
that's so cute! Aren't we all Erin fangirls? We love you Erin!

So pretty! I love how this is coloured!

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
TeaRoses 2004/6/24
You've got a point there about fanwoman... I'm older than Integra and usually say "overaged Walter fangirl" but whatever...

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/6/24
Its so cute. *sees erin*

Re:do vampires dream?
Akilika [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Aww, that's so cute! Erin looks beautiful (love the lips, very subtle), and Integra is just cute. ^^ The hair is ultimately nifty, and so is Integra's blush. :) And the eyes, and . . . and I'll stop now, I guess. ^^;

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/25
*glomp cling love love love love love*

Can I put this on my profile page? Please please please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?? I adore this. It is gorgeous. And of course I would give just about anything to have Integra actually clinging to my shoulder, so this is a very very close second <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 *collapses of <3ness overload*

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Vmwpoc 2004/6/25
O_o looks kinda Yuri.... but Integra is kinda manly so I guess it's all good.

VERY well done by the way ^_^

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/25
I'm so glad you it! ^_^ And of course you can, it's yours to do whatever you want with it, you can edit it, resize it, etc =)

Vmwpoc even if it's looked at from a Yuri perspective I doubt Erin would mind much... even I wouldn't cause, you know, it's Integra ^.~

Thanks for the comments people ^^

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Shoujo-ai, guys. Shoujo-ai is girl/girl love; yuri is girl/girl sex. So this picture has shoujo-ai overtones . . . and is all the better for it <3

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Yep, I kinda thought it wasn't worth explaining since a lot of people confuse those terms... but I'm actually just lazy =P

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/25
cool now i know the terms for japanese relationships better too >3 thank you!! now i can tell everyone i love this and they'll be like what the heck is that?? and i won't tell them! hahaha, this picture is so beautiful!!!!!! i swear it's the coolest, and by MY word... it is SO DUDEFUL! hahah

Re:Integra the Erin fangirl X3
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/26
I love the shading and Integra looks so adorable and plushie too! ^^ Looks very realistic.

[382] snaky

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/6/24
It was the first thought I got when I saw Max in the Anime.
I thougt: His mother must have had a crush on you with a basilisk or the snake of Eden...
I like him this way ^_^ but I like him more in the mangaform

TeaRoses 2004/6/24
He looks scary! In a good way. I like the facial expressions.

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Cuuuuuuuute! And it fits him so well, too ^__^

Vmwpoc 2004/6/25
Ohhh, colored!! Super good-- you know I love all your works!!

El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/6/25
I slept 9 hours! I went to bed at like 7 and woke at like 5. This picture is...er... odd, but I like it none the less!

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/25
I really like this o_o It looks like it came from some comic book or something... You're so good with expressions! And I love the whole purpleness and pinkness of the pic X3

[383] VS

アザゼル [Home Page] 2004/6/25
J.H vs Andersong...

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/25

I love your style . . . they look like themselves, but so realistic . . .

Vmwpoc 2004/6/25
Oh my god.... drool oh rific.

That is sooooooo cool... you are god right now....

*love it... *stares a bit more*****


TeaRoses 2004/6/25
Oooh! Look at Alucard's teeth! Such a great picture... I love how you work with greys and a little color.

Kim the vampire 2004/6/25

Anderson さん は きれい です!

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/6/25
O_O *Bows* i just got my hands on the manga 3 AND IT RULED! ...ee minus alucard stealing luke's suit.. *hisss* And, before i forget *Inhales deeply, squeals* ITS HTE WILLFUL GENOCIDE ARTIST! *Glomploveadorehugsquee* YOU RULE!

Kim the vampire 2004/6/25
it pleases me endlessly to see another Anderson artist, PERIOD!

and one this skilled too!

Hahaha, I've totally been knocked off the scale!

El Vira the Enrico Fangirl 2004/6/25
Sorry, forgot to breath. This Rocks! You have managed to make them both so hot! Its my birthday as of 8 minutes ago!

アザゼル 2004/6/25
I enjoy drow Andersong pic...(^^)
but more be existent wonderful Anderasong artist.
I respect them! make an effort my Andersong!!

コメント ありがとうございます!

jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/6/25
Wohoooo! You are great. Saw many of your pictures at Willfullgenocidepbbs.

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/25
I agree, you draw so well!! I think it was your site I had visited awhile ago when I said I had seen Anderson with grey hair... I think. I loved it! Great job! 0__0

Kim the vampire 2004/6/26
どう いたしまして!!!

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/26
Faaaaantastic! And I adore how Alucard is pushind up his glasses, so uber rawking good. You've got great style, I love it! *stares wide-eyed*

zimon66 2004/6/26
Got a creepy mental image of them sitting down to a game of checkers and each win equaling the loser getting a body part chopped-off.

Rachel K. 2004/6/26
Actually, I kind of like the idea of them playing battle ship.

"You sank my battle ship, Iscariot Dog!"
"Heheheh...now I sink my sword, into your HEAD!"

This looks awesome, I dig your style muchly. ^_^

[388] Preview

Kim the vampire [Home Page] 2004/6/26
Most of my pictures are simply too large to post...so I beg of you, please visit my deviantart, there you can see everything!


zimon66 2004/6/26
HA!!! I already do:) Got you and Sarah D.(http://chocolate-chibi.deviantart.com/) both bookmarked and check-in regularly - looking forward to seeing your version of "Angeldust"

TeaRoses 2004/6/26
I have you on watch now too! Getting to be more of an Anderson fan as time goes on.

vmwpoc 2004/6/26
^_^ Awwww... that one looks very good!!

Very nice inking!!

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/27
I will put you on watch. ^^ You've got soem cute art. *nodnod*

アザゼル 2004/6/28
I already Know your deviantart of many many Andersong art!!(^^)
fight your stayl!

[389] Doc...screw ball

Sarah D [Home Page] 2004/6/26
Doc,............can i realy say anything else either than, ...i still don't care for nazi's..but doc's evil..and fun to draw..and i scence an obsession coming..

Re:Doc...screw ball
vmwpoc 2004/6/26
SUPER COOL! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Very cute...

Re:Doc...screw ball
August 2004/6/26
YeaH! That's so great, I like it ^^...
Hmmm... WHAT!? You drew Swastika Backwards!!! O.o?!~

Re:Doc...screw ball
TeaRoses 2004/6/27
I can't exactly say I care for Nazis myself, but all the Hellsing people are fun to draw. Doc is hilarious here.

Re:Doc...screw ball
womaneothe2ed 2004/6/28
awww!he's so cute in that picture!

[390] If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.

vmwpoc 2004/6/26
I'm going to Hell. Can we say hell on this board? We better. It's a Hellsing board....

I had to edit out all the cusswords.....


Ironiclly... A super yaoi fan like me likes the paring MaxwellxIntegra. For some reason I can see this happening.

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Kim the vampire 2004/6/26

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Rachel K. 2004/6/26
Oh wow, that's hilarious! I love the part about the black chair with multiple eyes. :D

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dat
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/26

.......and that's all I'm gonna say about it o_o;;

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dat
zimon66 2004/6/26
The Pope wears a long silky white dress;)

I'm into Hellsing yaoi pairings too (favorite is Alucard X Luke Valentine).

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Thess [Home Page] 2004/6/27
Lord, this is the funniest! <3

Thank you for ExI pic (the multiple eyes chair is hilarious).

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/6/27
*dies laughing*

I love you. :-)

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
els the arucard fan girl 2004/6/27
i like hee hee i like enricos new look lol

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/27
Lofl! xD Scary but funny. I don't think pink is quite Maxwell's color. xD! He should stay away from pastels.

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Maddie [Home Page] 2004/6/27

*still laughing*

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
josh 2004/6/27
this is so wrong, but so funny and maxwell probibly dose crossdress

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dat
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/27

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
ChibiDeathChocobo 2004/6/27
Is it just me or is the text blurry? x.x maybe its just my computer..anyways eet is a good picture...n.n..though that shade of lipstick doesnt fit Maxwell,as well as the fact he put on too much mascara

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
TeaRoses 2004/6/27
Oh dear he looks hilarious. Integra would look a bit better in the dress though, since she has a better chest. Very funny...
(Me, I like the occasional yaoi pic too, especially with Anderson... I'll check out your DA account next time I'm in the right mood for yaoi)

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Ddriana [Home Page] 2004/6/27
Oh my... I wish I could say anything more intelligent, but... oh my. It's funny, especially with the text, and I probably wouldn't mind seeing Enrico in a dress more often.
Mmm... ExI...

Re:If Integra and Maxwell ever dated.
Marina [Home Page] 2004/6/27
I'm still laughing.
Heavens, I'd never think Enrico would look that scary in a pink glittery dress. Then again, I guess since he's blond he should wear pink...
Their discussion is great, too. Especially the chair bit.

[393] Pip

Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/6/27
First picture of Pip, ever. This explains the suckiness. After seeing him in Shine and reading his profile, though, I'm starting to wish I'd submitted a fangirl profile. *laughs*

I know this picture is a bit odd . . . I kind of imagine him wearing some kind of souvenir T-shirt with a funny Engrish slogan on it, taking pictures in a photo booth. Except that he's still wearing his gloves. Why? Bare hands are hard to draw . . . .

Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/6/27
. . . aaaaaaand this is huge. Sorry, folks.

TeaRoses 2004/6/27
He looks cute! Almost as cute as Walter *ducks flying objects* Seriously, more people should draw Pip.

Thess [Home Page] 2004/6/27
W00t! More Pip fangirls! He needs more love... Except he has canonSeras so does not need for them <333

Love goofy expression sketch.

[394] Walter

Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/6/27
First time drawing Walter, too . . . also huge . . . .

I imagine he's walked in on Integra and Alucard. :D

TeaRoses 2004/6/27
Walter! Walter! Yay!!!! And he looks so handsome there. Poor guy, heaven knows what he might walk in on, but he always keeps his cool. Very nicely done, love the pencil work.

vmwpoc 2004/6/27
Very sketchy... You should really try finishing it but it's very good though...

I think he looks like a dirtry man in this O_o

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/28

Walter is, as always, wonderful. Love the pic ^.^

dasAoD [Home Page] 2004/6/28
If I may quote: "Walter! Walter! Yay!!!!"
Cute, heh
And there's nothing wrong with the sketchiness, sketches can be lots of fun.

[395] At the beach.

Yoan [Home Page] 2004/6/27
Yay for summer!^^
Has anyone spotted anything? Hmm..?
(crap, it should've been 'off', not 'of'! Stupid mouse... wrrr...

Re:At the beach.
zimon66 2004/6/27
OOOOOOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, I see Anderzilla!!!

Quick Alucard, turn into Aluodan (Rodan)!!!

Re:At the beach.
TeaRoses 2004/6/27
Cute! Integra in a bathing suit! I know Alucard can take some sun, but I still imagine he'd wrap up at the beach.

Re:At the beach.
vmwpoc 2004/6/27
O_o I don't think Integra would wear a bikini..... that would make him take it off...

Love the background... ehehehe ... *cough*

Re:At the beach.
jamew85 [Home Page] 2004/7/4
Yeah! theres an Andzilla in the back ! I� so proud *sniff* thanks!

[396] The trouble with women

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/27
I should probably start doing backgrounds to these, or probably put up some of my NONE chibi/super deformed art. But I like the chibis, they're fun to draw and I got this idea in my head thanks to some little comment argument that took place on LJ. And yeah lots of people comfuse them for male, poor Heinkel and Rip. ;-;

Re:The trouble with women
zimon66 2004/6/27
LOL!!! When I get my scanner, going to try and draw something of Rip screaming "I'm a VAMPIRE, not a lycan, quit sending me doggie treats!!!"

Re:The trouble with women
sir integra chan 2004/6/27
awww poor heinkel and rip

Re:The trouble with women
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/27
This is cute X3 I think it's kind of funny when people confuse their gender...

Re:The trouble with women
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/27
Thanks everyone! ^^

Re:The trouble with women
TeaRoses 2004/6/27
Am I the only one who never thought they were men?
And Schroedinger's not a werewolf either. But nevermind.
Very cute pic!

Re:The trouble with women
vmwpoc 2004/6/27


Re:The trouble with women
Thess [Home Page] 2004/6/27
I never thought they were men. Ever. Not even AnimeIntegral.

Because I mostly think girly anime bishounen are women as well, they look like them, sometimes acts like them. So...

The pic rocks, Mercy. I laughed at that discussion. I was 'Wtf' Heheh. Poor them indeed.

Re:The trouble with women
Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/28
Soooooooo cute. And it's very true. I thought Rip was a young guy at first (not Heinkel, though). Definitely thought Integra was a guy at first ^^

And Rip's a vampire. Shrodinger is either a werewolf or a catboy - the jury's still out on that one.

Re:The trouble with women
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/28
hahaha, you want to know something else? i thought schroedinger and pip were women at first because 1: scroedinger looks kinda like a seras with smaller boobs (?!) and 2: all i ever really remembered in the comics at first were pip's soldiers calling him bernadette (my confirmation name!!!)

Re:The trouble with women
Amy the oblivious 2004/6/28
not only that but when pip teased seras sometimes he'd have long eyelashes and that mislead me, haha

Re:The trouble with women
Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/28
Thanks again for the praise everyone. ^^

And I might have though Heinkel was a boy if they hadn't immediately called her and Yumiko "girls" in the particular issue I read. So, I kinda didn't have a chance to mistake her for anything else. xD As for Rip I haven't gotten to her yet, but I have seen several snippets of the manga with her in it. And I already knew she was a woman by then. Same goes for anime Integra. I had already found out they were all women by then so I didn't have a chance to make up my mind. xD That's what a late-comer to the fandom gets. ^_~

Re:The trouble with women
Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/29
Same thing with me Mercy... I already knew they were women, though I almost thought Integra was a guy in the anime because she just looked so much like a bishie... but then I remembered I already knew she was a woman o_o

In Schroedinger's case I preffer to call him a werewolf... come on it's a horror manga, cats aren't scary... but yeah could be anything. o.O

[399] pip

アザゼル 2004/6/28
a mercenary PIP

Erin the Integra Fangirl [Home Page] 2004/6/28

This rocks. Seriously.

Zahmira 2004/6/28

damn. I like that there is no colour except for the eyes. Very neat.

Elizabeth [Home Page] 2004/6/28
Why can I not draw like you? ;_;

Mercy [Home Page] 2004/6/28
Omfg I love the style on this. Very nice and gritty, Great, great job! ^^ Love the bent ciggy. xD

TeaRoses 2004/6/28
Wow, that is so impressive, very Pip! Love the braid, as always... he looks fierce.

Thess [Home Page] 2004/6/29

So manly... so cute... so Pip

I love the green eyed, greys contrasts.

Nikita [Home Page] 2004/6/29
Thank you, you are a great inspiration!!!! *cries* This is sooo awesome *saves to disk* I'm turning into a Pip fangirl...

Abbi von Helsing 2004/6/30

So cool. I love the line art and the black outline, and Pip looks gorgeous.